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3 Main Reasons Why Companies Use Image Classification APIs

Do you want to know why using image classification APIs is so important? Well, in this article you’ll find everything about it: we’ll discuss the main reasons why companies should use this technology to obtain its many benefits!

Today, the majority of vision-based AI software and systems are built on image classification and object recognition. Scene understanding, which is useful in security, transportation, healthcare, and military use cases, depends heavily on object detection.

Traditional methods of image processing or contemporary deep learning networks can both be used for object detection. In general, unsupervised image processing techniques don’t need previous data for training.

Benefits: Because humans manually tagged the data, those jobs do not require annotated photos (for supervised training).

Cons: These techniques are only applicable in complex circumstances (without a monochromatic background), occlusion (with partially hidden objects), lighting and shadows, and clutter effects.

3 Main Reasons Why Companies Use Image Classification APIs

Generally speaking, supervised or unsupervised learning is what deep learning methods rely on, with supervised approaches being the norm for computer vision applications. Performance is constrained by GPU compute power, which is growing quickly every year. The detection of objects using deep learning is substantially more resistant to occlusion, complicated environments, and difficult lighting.

Reasons why a company would use image and object classification APIs

To find and identify things in photos, object detection models are employed. Object detection models can be used in a wide range of diverse industries and sectors, including medicine, retail, and agriculture. We wish to highlight this 3:

-It provides a well-trained model that can identify products makes browsing and finding specific products throughout a big catalog quick and easy.

-it’s frequently utilized for product and part identification. Quality Control, Sorting, and Assembling are all made more effective and precise by this automation.

-Vehicle detection and counting for traffic analysis as well as the detection of vehicles that pause in risky locations, such as on highways or at intersections, are done using object recognition and classifcation.

Therefore, if you want to do all of these duties, you can start with this viable choice made by Zyla Labs: Clapicks. With its surprisingly quick user interface and relatively reasonable costs, you can arrange all of your images without having to break the bank. The best part of this categorization API is that you may begin experimenting with it without having to pay anything in order to see if it meets your demands. Take a look at it!


The purpose of Clapicks is to help organizations categorize and arrange whatever photos they might have kept in their databases. This API allows you to browse through enormous sets of unstructured photos and do automatic sorting, analysis, and searching on them. A collection of tools for photo interpretation and analysis are available as an online service.

3 Main Reasons Why Companies Use Image Classification APIs

For businesses that must use large image databases of unstructured data and need to categorize it by content, Clapicks is ideal. The information you require to identify photographs that are connected to people, animals, sports, or landscapes can be obtained using this API.

Published inAppsTechnology
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