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Category: Technology

Search Products By Image API: Improve User Satisfaction

Search technology has advanced significantly from basic keyword matching to more complex techniques. Online shopping was initially built on text-based search, which relied on keywords and human screening. Consumer expectations have grown along with e-commerce, and today’s consumers want faster, more accurate, more visually appealing search experiences. At the vanguard…

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Customer Enrichment API: Accurate And Detailed Customer Data

In today’s digital landscape, having accurate and detailed customer data is essential for business success. Businesses use this information to improve marketing strategies, personalize customer interactions, and make informed decisions. One effective tool for achieving this is a Customer Enrichment API. In this article, we’ll explore how Klazify’s Content Classification…

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Image Search For Online Stores API: AI Powered Capabilities

In the ever-evolving world of e-commerce, the shift from text-based searches to visual searches marks a significant milestone. The traditional text search methods often fall short of capturing the complexities of user intent and the nuances of product characteristics. Enter image search technology, a revolutionary advancement powered by artificial intelligence…

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