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3 Useful Spam Prevention APIs For Developers

Are you looking for good options of APIs to detect spam? If the answer is yes and you’re a developer, keep on reading because here we’ve selected the best and most useful APIs for Spam Prevention available online for your business with all their features!

Spam prevention APIs can be a key part of saving your website from unwanted or malicious spam. By using a Spam prevention API, you can quickly and easily determine whether or not an email address is valid, and whether or not it is being used by a spammer. This can help you to avoid having your website blacklisted by search engines, and can also help you to keep your email list clean and without unwanted messages.

3 Useful Spam Prevention APIs For Developers

There are a number of different APIs available, and each one has its own set of features. For example, some Spam checker APIs allow you to check the validity of an email address, while others allow you to check the validity of an email address and the IP address of the sender. Below, we will introduce you to the best 3 options available in the market.

Spam Detection API

In the Zyla Labs Marketplace, you can find the Spam Detection API that will surely keep your website safe. With it you can identify whether a given text contains spam. Spam Detection API provides an anti-spam filter with a wide range of applications that is highly accurate. This API will receive the text from which you want to check the content and, if available, the sender’s IP. The response will tell you how many words are considered spam and how many words have been identified as spam, so you can check them out.

3 Useful Spam Prevention APIs For Developers

Each developer is given a personal API access key after signing up, which is a one-of-a-kind combination of letters and digits that allows them to access our API endpoint. Simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate with the Spam Detection API REST API.

Spam Check API

Spam Check API runs a variety of advanced heuristic and statistical analysis tests on email headers and body text, including text analysis, Bayesian filtering, DNS blocklists, and collaborative filtering databases.

3 Useful Spam Prevention APIs For Developers

It works with any text, including comments, e-mail, HTML, and plain text messages. If you need to be more optimistic about spam messages, you can set a threshold. The threshold value can range from 1 to 10, with 1 indicating that all messages will be classified as spam and 10 indicating the opposite.

To know more, visit

OOPSam Spam Filter API

By combining the output of various tools such as machine learning algorithms, blacklisted IPs, Adult Content Detection, spam words patter, and many more custom rules, etc., the OOPSpam Anti-Spam API helps you better identify and score spam content.  

3 Useful Spam Prevention APIs For Developers

The OOPSpam Anti-Spam API offers high accuracy Based on various inputs like spam score, machine learning models, multiple blacklisted IPs lists, advanced content analysis, spam word pattern detection and country restrictions, among others.

If you want more information, go to

Published inAppsTechnology
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