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All You Need To Know About Bad Words Filter API

Do you want to know how to avoid bad words in your content? Read this article and learn how to do it with this API!

It’s obvious that we all use language in different ways. Some people use swear words and swear words regularly, while others rarely use them. Some people are offended by them, while others are not. The same goes for language that might be considered offensive, hurtful, or inappropriate. For instance, some people are more likely to be offended or shocked by certain words than others.

By examining the words and their context, a profanity detector can find obscenity in text. Following that, the software has the choice of either automatically removing or marking the text. Any type of language can be removed from a text by using a Bad Words Detector API. It is ideal for programs or websites that require content moderation to be made easier. You can quickly translate the selected text into any language with just a few clicks.

All You Need To Know About Bad Words Filter API

You should refrain from using expletives for a variety of reasons. The first is that they damage the reputation and image of your brand. Using profanity in front of others, whether on social media or in person, reflects poorly on your professionalism and manners.

Exclamations can also harm the reputation of your brand because they frequently offend those who hear them. For instance, if you frequently swear at work or among your family and friends, it’s likely that someone will become offended enough to voice a complaint.

Learn How To Use The Bad Words Filter API

All You Need To Know About Bad Words Filter API

The filter transforms the input into logical concepts while ignoring punctuation, case, formatting, etc. using natural language processing (NLP). Word transformations, which can also identify words with repeated letters, an excessive amount of whitespace, and special characters, can be used to detect word obfuscation. By using this API, developers can find and extract keywords from text while also getting rid of unwanted terms.

This API has recently gained popularity due to its effectiveness. It is simple to use and provides immediate results. You will be able to clean any text with just a few clicks. It  allows you to filter out any bad word that you want by entering the text you want to clean. It will return a clean text so you can use it however you want.

You can enter any URL of a post or article to have the content checked for offensive language.  Additionally, it gets text strings directly. Check the texts for any offensive language and censor it if you like. You can choose a “censor-character” that will be displayed in place of the term that was found to be censorable. You’ll have the upper hand!

This is the kind of response that this API will send to you after you enter the word that you want to analyze:

All You Need To Know About Bad Words Filter API

Also, you can choose a “catalog”:

  • Strict: this database of bad words includes profanity, obscenity, sexual, rude, cuss, dirty, swear, and objectionable words and phrases. This catalog is suitable for environments of all ages including educational or children’s content.
  • Obscene: like the strict catalog but does not include any mild profanities, idiomatic phrases, or words that are considered formal terminology. This catalog is suitable for adult environments where certain types of bad words are considered OK.

To Start Using This API, All You Have To Do is:

  • To use the Bad Words Filter API, go to the website and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  • You’ll be prepared to use the API once you’ve registered in the Zyla API Hub.
  • Use the various API endpoints based on what you’re trying to find.
  • Once you’ve located the required endpoint, use the “test endpoint” button to initiate an API request and view the results on your screen.
Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology
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