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Alternatives To Cloudmersive To Verify VAT Numbers

If you have a lot of VAT numbers from your customers and don’t know how to verify them effectively and faster, this is your article. We have made deep research and in the next sentences, we share the results. What are the VAT requirements the EU asks you? What tools can your company use to be sure before transactions? Find all the correct information here! 

When you sell or buy products in the European Union, there are some financial rules that you have to comply with. The most important one is VAT or value-added taxes that have to appear on your invoices. If a client has supplied their VAT number and you have to include it on bills, you should double-check that it is valid and correct.

But calculating legally correct VAT rates can be a bit complicated. This is because the VAT percentage owed varies from country to country. In addition to geographical differences, the type of product a customer purchases, as well as item cost, can be often significant. Fortunately, the EU asks for the same value for all its members. 

In this context, is your responsibility as a B2B international business to ensure that VAT is legal and updated. Customer data that is out of date costs you money. If your customer’s VAT number expires, you should request a new one. Otherwise, the reverse-charge mechanism is no longer applicable, and you must begin charging extra VAT.

The good news is that there are handy websites that can verify VAT numbers. One of them is Cloudmersive. With this VAT number check API (application programming), you can validate and verify them for EU compliance. It works as an API so you must register and ask for a key. Then it will parse and detect proper number string formatting while returning business information. Among the data, you will find location and contact information.

Alternatives To Cloudmersive To Verify VAT Numbers

Here Are Some Alternatives For Checking VAT Numbers 

VAT Validation API

Alternatives To Cloudmersive To Verify VAT Numbers

The VATValidationAPI is the best approach to determine whether a VAT number is legitimate. It ranks first in security, analytics, and performance. It will respond quickly, be simple to comprehend, and be regularly updated! You can also discover more about the firm if the value-added tax is valid. It compiles the country codes of all EU member states. To get started, all you need is a subscription, an account, and the VAT number you wish to verify! 


Alternatives To Cloudmersive To Verify VAT Numbers

Vatstack allows you to check if your customer’s VAT number is registered or not for Europe. You can validate VAT numbers directly and faster. Ambitious businesses undervalue the business logic and maintenance required to handle VAT and validate their customers’ VAT numbers. Vatstack includes many intelligent features that will help you save time and focus on the core mission of your company.


Alternatives To Cloudmersive To Verify VAT Numbers

Vatlayer offers critical services such as calculating EU VAT rates, instantly validating IDs, and calculating VAT-compliant prices. If you believe your operations require more than 100 API queries, you can upgrade to a premium membership. They also include 256-bit HTTPS encryption, which protects your company’s data from hackers.

Published inAppsTechnology
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