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APIs Are The Building Blocks Of Green Innovation

In this article, we want to explain why APIs are the technology to start solving environmental problems. They are the Building Blocks of Green Innovation.

As a result of climate change, many countries and companies are making progress in changing their way of producing for a greener one. After the Paris Agreement, countries made commitments to reduce carbon emissions, since if it continues to produce in this way, the planet will only have 1000 days of existence left.

APIs Are The Building Blocks Of Green Innovation

The climate issue has raised the global average temperature and is causing more escalations outbursts, such as heatwaves. Higher temperatures can lead to higher morbidity, decreased production, and destruction of infrastructure.

Temperature increases are also projected to change the spatial distribution of climatic zones. These changes are affecting the distribution and abundance of many flora and fauna which are already threatened by habitat loss and contamination.

Global warming may cause several major environmental changes, eventually affecting human health. It can also cause sea level rise, resulting in the loss of coastal land, changes in precipitation patterns, increased drought and flood risks and challenges to biodiversity.

Faced with such a catastrophic scenario, companies and countries must meet their goals to reduce carbon emissions. However, it is not an easy task and it can be difficult to think about where to start. But technological advances can be very helpful in meeting these goals.

Where to start?

To reduce your ecological footprint, you need to take into account how big it currently is. This will make your work in reducing emissions more efficient. Over time you can monitor and measure this footprint to know if your environmental initiatives are being effective and practical or not.

In this sense, it is very important to be able to use a carbon footprint calculator. Entering the energy and water use data there, you can account for this information, and see how it translates into carbon emissions. However, if you want to record your ecological footprint and share it with your community, you must use an API.

What Is An API?

Developers use this kind of technology. This tool allows you to easily send information from one device to another. Programmers use it to design web pages and applications to share that information publicly.

That is why it is necessary to use an API that updates correctly in real-time. One of the best carbon footprint calculator APIs is CarbonAPI. It correctly reflects whether your actions to collaborate with the biodiversity and conservation of the planet are efficient.

APIs Are The Building Blocks Of Green Innovation

Why CarbonAPI?

You may transmit footprint data through API. You can, for example, include information on energy usage, water usage, and other topics.

CarbonAPI will categorize the data and, using several methods, will calculate your carbon footprint in kilograms. Businesses that embrace sustainability, according to a study, are more financially successful.

You can calculate the carbon footprint of flights, energy, supply chains, fleets, gasoline, and other modes of transportation. Consumption from up to a year ago can be uploaded. Furthermore, this API gives you consumption analysis graphs.

Published inApps, technology
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