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Are APIs For Mistyped Words Detection Really Practical?

Despite being in the era of slang, hashtags and modern communication, knowing how to express ourselves and being good communicators overall is still very important. The problem is that we have become so used to this modern language that we seem to have forgotten that there are grammatical rules that need to be followed. Believe it or not, good communication and being good at expressing yourself can get you far. For example, there are studies that have shown the benefits of having satisfactory writing and communicating skills at work:

  • People with fewer grammatical and spelling mistakes in their profiles have been able to achieve higher positions
  • Fewer grammar errors are associated with frequent job changes. This may be related to the fact that good writers are always in the search for better jobs opportunities or to the fact that there is a high chance that people with poor writing skills have résumés that do not convince companies to hire them.
  • There is a great appreciation to attention to details. Writing something with no grammatical or spelling errors means that the person who wrote it paid attention to all the detailes to make sure it was understandable and even enjoyable to the reader.
  • If you work with adverstisements, blogs or propagandas, you must have everything written perfectly since the customers expect your writing pieces to be fun, easy to read and error-free. If a company doesn’t seem to care about writing correctly, the customers will notice this and it can even be taken as if the company didn’t care about their customers and providing them with good writing pieces.
Are APIs For Mistyped Words Detection Really Practical?

If you are interested in improving your writing skills in order to have better opportunities, you should definetely give APIs a try. In case you are not familiar with the term Application Programming Interface, it is basically a tool that acts as a connector between two applications.

The Spell and Grammar Checker API provided by Zyla Labs is a great aid you can incorporate in your routine while writing. This API is able to perceive any spelling or grammar errors that may appear in your application. You will receive a JSON object with all the recognized errors, grammar suggestion and more. If you want to know how it functions, the API will receive the text that you want it to check and it will retrieve all the mistakes that it recognizes and potential corrections, all in one single JSON object.

Are APIs For Mistyped Words Detection Really Practical?

What Are The Most Common Uses Of The API?

  1. The API will let you guide your users in the case they have misspelled a word.
  2. It increases the UX experience which enables your users to easily correct what they just wrote
  3. It avoids that any user inserts invalid text on your input text areas
  4. If you are in charge of managing a blog, this aid is ideal to revise and correct any invalid or misspelled words on the articles before you publish them.
  5. The Spell and Grammar Checker API also provides context about the word that is misspelled, wheter it is a typo error or an upper-lower case error. Like this, you will be able to understand why you wrote was wrong and won’t make the same mistakes.

The best thing about the API is that there are no limitations besides the number of API calls per month. It is a very helpful tool that will definetely improve your writing skills so try giving it a try!

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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