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Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

Do you work in marketing? Would you be interested in getting a tool that does the segmentation for you? Check this article!

One of the most effective tactics for reaching a certain group or audience is market segmentation. This method makes customizing ads easier by focusing on what’s important and combining customers with similar interests into groups that can be targeted successfully.

Different types of market segmentation have been used by merchants since the end of the twentieth century. Despite how simple it may appear, segmentation is critical to the development of every company’s marketing strategy.

The process of dividing the market of potential customers into different groups and segments based on certain characteristics is known as market segmentation. Members of each group have comparable characteristics and have one or more things in common.

Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

Realizing a proper market segmentation is essential for achieving the goals set forth by the company’s marketing department. As markets become more segmented, companies will be able to develop optimal strategies for each group in order to provide them with the products and services that best meet their needs. There are several types of market segmentation:

  • Geographic segmentation: this type of segmentation refers to the geographic location of the target audience such as the country, city, region and climate in which the intended audience operates.
  • Demographic segmentation: This type of segmentation is based on age, sex, marital status, profession, educational level, culture, nationality and socio-economic status.
  • Psychographic segmentation: Taking into account the psychological particularities of the potential client is also key when segmenting users.
  • Behavioral segmentation: Knowing about user behavior also allows us to further profile the product or service before its launch.
  • Segmentation by industry: This type of segmentation serves to have a better overview of the sector in which the company will compete. Be it the economic, technological, agricultural, etc.
  • Product segmentation: in this instance, the specifications of the product are taken into account.

For someone who works in the field of marketing, creating segmentations can be a somewhat tedious job and really long to create. For this, we recommend these platforms that will help you to create segmentations quickly by using a website categorization API:


Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

Klazify will go to the requested domain name or URL, collect material, and categorize it using an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may be used for 1-1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and more. As a result, the URL or domain can now be allocated to one of several categories.

Also, Klazify’s classification is helpful for router applications, and it’s absolutely free. They handle nearly every language spoken on the earth, as well as all domains that are accessible. Klazify employs the IAB Classification Taxonomy, as previously indicated. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has developed a set of advertising categories and subcategories that are generally recognized.

Klazify starts domain processing in one of two ways: by scanning the website for new domains or by re-indexing already classed domains. Data sources are delivered to Klazify via external feeds for processing.


Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

The website It’s a global brand registry that makes brands more accessible to the general public while also giving businesses more control over their brand assets. Thanks to a network of direct connectors on hundreds of platforms, they provide you ultimate control over your brand everywhere it appears. The platforms, they assert, are on a mission to organize the creative world and make it more accessible to everyone.


Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

Mailjet was founded in 2010 with the goal of assisting you in sending emails with as much effect as possible. Collaboration is the key to success, and our technology puts sellers and developers together on a single platform to build their companies with email. The platform’s purpose is to make emailing and cooperation easier for clients so they can focus on getting things done. Businesses of any size can utilize email to attract, persuade, and keep clients with Mailjet.


Best APIs For Doing Marketing Segmentation Faster

Clearbit is a data engine for consumer contact marketing. Clients may use the platform to help expand their companies by providing tools that help them better understand their customers, identify prospective possibilities, and personalize each marketing and sales interaction.

It was founded in 2015 by the engineer Alex MacCaw, the executive Amit Vasudev, the advice services Andrew O’Neal, the senior executive Harlow Ward, the investor Matt Sornson, and the software engineer Rob Holland.

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