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Best Carbon Footprint APIs For Asian Companies

Do you want to help mitigate global warming? In this post, we’ll suggest three options for carbon footprint APIs for Asian Companies.

The world is making a great effort to reduce carbon emissions that are the origin of global warming. That is why it is essential to start with the areas that are the largest generators of CO2. In this case, Asia has the worst emission results in the industry.

Best Carbon Footprint APIs For Asian Companies

Coal-fired power plants were the largest contributor to emissions growth. Coal-fired electricity generation accounted for 30% of global CO2 emissions. The global average temperature has already increased by 1 degree from pre-industrial levels.

There are two very marked realities, that of the developed countries that can undertake a more or less rapid substitution of the most polluting technologies and that of the developing countries that have it more complicated.

Only China and India already accumulate 35.5% of the world’s CO2. They are countries that are growing and trying to guarantee energy supply to their entire population. In other words, they focus their efforts on installing more electrical power and not on shutting down the existing one.

Utilize An API

All countries are focused on reducing their carbon emissions. This is to lengthen the quantity and quality of life on earth. However, many companies when they want to face this problem do not know where to start. For this, it is very important to use a carbon footprint calculator API.

An API is a complex technical tool that has recently gained popularity. Engineers incorporate their comments into online media layouts and feed data to many devices regardless of location.

This is why an API is utilized to exchange information with a group of people. So, if you wish to concentrate on changing the damage to the ecosystem, you may notify the public and so recruit more individuals to fight global warming. It will position you as a green firm, increasing your public relations, profitability, and environmental friendliness.


Best Carbon Footprint APIs For Asian Companies

The Carbon Footprint Calculator from CarbonAPI is the first factor in ensuring carbon neutrality. This all-in-one Carbon dioxide monitor makes it easy to share your GHG data, including energy use statistics, through API or website.

While CarbonAPI is simple to use, the best thing is that you may obtain the majority of its advantages for free. The free plan includes a carbon footprint calculator, online reporting, and API access. You can make up to 20 requests or entries in the calculator every month. But don’t be alarmed if you require further API requests. You may always switch to a billed plan; there is a low-cost option available for small enterprises.

Greenhouse gasses have grown at an accelerating rate, causing severe climate change and environmental harm. We need a similarly firm commitment to decrease emissions, especially from industry, which contributes to the vast bulk of global CO2 emissions.


Best Carbon Footprint APIs For Asian Companies

Cloverly is a versatile API that automatically and in real-time links purchasers of carbon reductions with elevated initiatives all around the globe. They give you all the information and resources you need to engage customers, connect your brand, and communicate the effect of your climate change action to your users.


Best Carbon Footprint APIs For Asian Companies

Patch is an API-based platform that allows you to easily integrate carbon footprint measurement and elimination into your virtual content and activities. The latter comprises a wide variety of kinds of projects, ranging from conventional environment initiatives like forests, soil, and kelp to cutting-edge human-engineered carbon capture methods like biochar, bio-oil, and mineralization. It only takes a few simple steps.

Published inApps, technology
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