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Best Text Sentiment Analysis API For Your Company

Whether you know it or not, APIs are now an integral part of our lives that help us to simplify almost every aspect of our routine. In the business field, this is not an exception. These tools can help companies to improve existing products, systems and operations. Currently, it is possible to find APIs that help you interpret customer feelings toward your brand using sentiment analysis.

Sentiment analysis is the systematic identification, extraction, quantification, and analysis of emotional states and subjective data. It uses AI (Artificial intelligence) and ML (Machine learning) algorithms to automatically identify and tag sentiments in a body of text for textual classification and analysis. In Business, sentiment analysis APIs are efficient methods to monitor how customers feel about products and services. Then that information can help them to create analysis tools and reports to make better decisions and improve where necessary.

Best Text Sentiment Analysis API For Your Company

Regardless of the company’s size, tracking clients’ attitudes toward goods and services is very important. Do you want to know how customers feel about your company’s products and services? In the following article, we are going to describe three text sentiment analysis APIs to help you with this task.

Opinion Analysis API

Best Text Sentiment Analysis API For Your Company

Opinion Analysis API is a tool that analyzes sentiments on a provided text. Unlike other text sentiment analysis APIs, it enables you to determine whether a social post is a promotor, detractor or indifferent towards your brand. Therefore, you may determine and evaluate what aspects enhance to create a better emotional connection with your customers.

Conveniently, this API presents four fixed subscription models so you can easily choose the one which better adapts to your business size and needs. Subscription request numbers range from 25 to 50,000. However, you have the possibility to customise a plan if more requests are needed. Finally, this API supports three languages: English, Deutch, and Spanish. 

Twinword Sentiment Analysis API

Best Text Sentiment Analysis API For Your Company

Twinword Sentiment Analysis is another excellent choice for straightforward text analysis. If you have a lot of customer answers or reviews and want to locate unfavourable comments quickly, this API can be helpful. Twinword uses scores and ratios to designate whether a text is good, negative, or neutral. These ratios are calculated on a scale from -1 to 1 by comparing the overall positive and negative attitudes scores.

In terms of pricing, this API presents a pay-as-you-go model so no ties to a long-term contract. Monthly subscription plans range from 500 to 2,000,000 requests.

Watson Natural Language Understanding

Best Text Sentiment Analysis API For Your Company

Another recommended text sentiment analysis API is Watson’s Natural Language Understanding. In contrast to other APIs, it also executes analysis of more complex emotional/sentiment detection, such as emotions, relations, and semantic roles. 

However, the mentioned sophisticated features need to be used with caution. Because the technology needed to identify these emotional complexities is still in its infancy. Pricing of Natural Language Understanding API highly depends on usage but is one of the most affordable options.

All of the sentiment analysis APIs on this list are great options for companies who want to make use of text analysis in their applications. These present flexible request plans that can adapt to your company size. Additionally, all of them offer a variety of features that make it easy for companies to get insights from unstructured data. Finally, most APIs support multiple languages, so they’re great for global audiences.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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