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Best Ways To Obtain Car Data In 2022

If you want to know all about cars characteristics, you need to try these incredible APIs. 

A car is a four-wheeled motor vehicle that transports people and commodities. According to most definitions, cars are vehicles that mostly travel on highways, seat one to eight people, have four wheels, and primarily transport people rather than freight.

Car electronics are used to manage driving, parking, passenger comfort, and a variety of lights. As more features and controls have been added to vehicles over time, they have become more sophisticated. Among them are rear-view cameras, air conditioning, GPS systems, and in-car entertainment.

Those who are not familiar with the automobile industry, on the other hand, are unlikely to be aware of all of the vehicle’s features. Furthermore, obtaining complete information about a given car or brand, as well as locating the suitable instrument to do so, might be challenging.

Best Ways To Obtain Car Data In 2022

But don’t be alarmed! Because there are numerous fantastic APIs that might assist you in locating your ideal vehicle:

1- Motorzam

Best Ways To Obtain Car Data In 2022

Motorzam is an image-based API for detecting vehicles. This strong AI system can detect any vehicle from a snapshot and provide details on its make, model, and other features.

Motorzam allows you to search for any vehicle, including automobiles, motorcycles, and even trucks, using photographs and providing reliable data to the automotive markets. This technology also allows image search and auto-tagging of photographs to automotive marketplaces, among other things.

This platform is far too simple to operate. Simply load an image into the system, and the API will provide you with a rapid and accurate response on car details. Motorzam also delivers trustworthy information because all data is gathered from vehicle manufacturers.

2- TensorFlow

Best Ways To Obtain Car Data In 2022

As a part of the self-driving cars technology, vehicle perception is a challenging task for the computer vision field. 

This project aims to build a computer vision algorithm to detect front and rear car views using the TensorFlow Object Detection API by fine-tuning pre-trained state-of-the-art SSD+Inception V2 Model trained on the COCO dataset.

3- Deep Vision

Best Ways To Obtain Car Data In 2022

Deep Vision AI has succeeded at providing intelligent picture and video analysis since its inception in 2014, allowing for new ways of comprehending and analyzing visual data. 

Deep Vision offers AI-vision to a wide range of partners and clients in order to help them run their businesses more efficiently and effectively, develop new products, and accelerate business models. Deep Vision is headquartered in the United States, with a development center in Argentina.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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