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Check The Side Mirror Crack Of Your Vehicle With This Vehicle API

Looking to detect car damages in a faster way? seek no further because with this vehicle API detections will happen in seconds. 

Today we live in a world in which cars are extremely important for our daily lives. This is because they provide autonomy and independence. With cars, we are able to manage our own schedules and times. Also, they enable us to arrive at places (work, home, park) in a faster way. 

Vehicles can be expensive for a big number of people; nevertheless, their benefits tend to be higher than the negatives which is why individuals still invest in them. Of course, they tend to receive good care from their owners and have insurance in case accidents happen. For example, a side mirror crack. 

Side mirrors are one of the most vulnerable places for vehicles. Because of this, they tend to be one of the most common damages car workshops receive. Having a crack in it is extremely dangerous and should be instantly fixed. This is because with damages in the side mirror visibility reduces, and the driver reduces their ability to detect emergencies, cars, pedestrians, and more. Therefore, a small crack could drastically become something worse. 

Evidently, no one wants to have damage in their car but sometimes unavoidable things happen and it is essential to act on it. 

Check The Side Mirror Crack Of Your Vehicle With This Vehicle API

The most trustworthy car workshops and insurers are those that work with modern technologies like Artificial Intelligence in their inspections. This is why all businesses of this kind should have one. We’ll see why! 

What Is An API? 

An API is an application programming interface that is a collection of parámeters, techs, and rules. They build bridges between programs so one can receive data from the other. This way businesses can obtain data without having to look for or build it themselves. This is why their role is so fundamental. 

A great example of a potent vehicle API is the Vehicle Damage Detector API; let’s get to know all the benefits it brings. 

Vehicle Damage Detector API

We have gone over some and mentioned some important definitions: APIs, Artificial Intelligence, and Vehicles API. Now let’s give it more context with the Vehicle Damage Detector API. 

The Vehicle Damage Detector API is an application programming interface that automates vehicle inspections and the detection of damages. This is possible because one of the technologies that compound the API is Artificial Intelligence, which means that it imitates human intelligence while enhancing its activities. 

Therefore, the Vehicle Damage Detector API detects car images by just analyzing a simple image. Yes, this API examines an image and will provide in seconds what’s wrong with the vehicle. If their side mirror is cracked, it will detect it in a bit. 

Moreover, this vehicle API even classifies the severity of the damage, an aspect that will help car workshops and insurers to determine faster budgets and arrangement time.  To boost your business click here and get the API. 

Example response:

Check The Side Mirror Crack Of Your Vehicle With This Vehicle API

To continue reading, go for another article of this car API. 

Published inAppsTechnology
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