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Check This API To Obtain LME Steel HRC China Euro Rates

Do you require to obtain LME Steel HRC China Euro rates with an API? If that’s the case, you should read this article!

Pipelines, automobiles, railways, and shipyards are all examples of HRC applications. End-user demand, manufacturing costs, competition with local and foreign suppliers, and national and worldwide financial conditions all influence the pricing of materials used in the hot-rolled coil consuming industries. Pricing restrictions vary by country, but in general, offers are provided in local currencies with estimated values in EUR or USD if the country is an importer. As a result, it’s vital to keep a close eye on pricing.

Check This API To Obtain LME Steel HRC China Euro Rates

The breadth, thickness, weight, steel grade, and intended usage all affect the price of a hot-rolled coil. It is essential to keep the information updated when conducting business. If you want to invest in this sector in the European market, you should be updated about the values. For this purpose, you must use an API.

But what exactly is an API?

A software interface that allows two programs to interact with one another is known as an Application Programming Interface (API). A mobile phone app connects to the Internet and sends data to a server when you use it. When the server gets this information, it analyzes it, ensures that it is secure, and transmits it back to your phone. The computer then analyzes the data and presents it to you in an easy-to-understand manner.

Metals-API is a good option if you wish to utilize an API that provides Euros value information. You’ll get access to the most user-friendly solution for tracking live metals prices in just a few easy clicks.

Why Metals-API?

With a 0.2 decimal difference, it is updated every 60 seconds. It offers a wide range of metals from which to pick. It works with a variety of gadgets, including cellphones and PCs.

Check This API To Obtain LME Steel HRC China Euro Rates

It gathers metal pricing information from the world’s most famous financial organizations and banks (in this case, London Metals Exchange). Commercial sources are given more weight, especially for major currencies and commodities, because they better reflect market exchange prices.

Be a member of Metals-API:

  1. Visit to obtain an API key.
  2. Choose metal (STEEL-HR) and currency as your working materials.
  3. Add metal and money to your list before connecting to the API with these symbols. There is also a range of programming languages and pricing points to pick from. (PHP; JSON).
  4. You must hit the “run” button to fulfill the objective.

On your screen, the API should appear like this:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "STEEL-HR",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,
Published inAppsTechnology
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