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Check This Great Plagiarism Tracker API For Your Company

Do you create company content? Read this text and check detect copied content API for future writings!

Authoring material for web marketing goals is referred to as content writing. Companies may utilize content to attract customers and establish enduring bonds with their customers, which will eventually move those people up the sales pipeline. 87% of marketers employ content to lead prospects through various phases of the buying process.

Nobody enjoys being accused of plagiarism since it might lead to your paper being withdrawn, reputation harm, or even the loss of your job. Claims of plagiarism may surprise researchers, but they do occur regularly.

And what exactly is plagiarism? Essentially, it happens when someone else takes credit for someone else’s ideas or work while using it themselves. It frequently involves copying written or graphic material without properly citing the original author.

Check This Great Plagiarism Tracker API For Your Company

The fundamentals of preventing plagiarism are straightforward:

  • Create original content for articles.
  • Cite any sources you consult
  • If you have taken phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from another article, please put them in quote marks.

In other situations, cultural differences may play a role; for example, in some societies, copying is viewed as a praise. There are clear global academic norms, thus this is not a justification. Academics do pose this subject from time to time, but there is no “acceptable quantity” of plagiarism. 

  1. Recognize the methods used to catch plagiarism: Today, plagiarism is quite likely to be discovered. In addition to reviewers, editors, and readers (including people whose work has been plagiarized), publishing personnel are educated to identify plagiarism.
  2. Avoid self-plagiarism: Although the former is more serious, many software programs and individuals don’t distinguish between copying from other authors and repeating your own words from prior works.
  3. Use a Plagiarism Detector: there´s nothing wrong to use a software to help you out in the on the way to avoid plagiarism, so any computer program that can give you a hand will do. We, from our place, bring you Plagiarism Checker API.

What Is Plagiarism Checker API?

Plagiarism Checker API it´s a program that identifies whether any content in an article has been copied comes from Zyla Labs. Using this application, people may verify that none of information in your articles has ever been published before. In short, they are able to spot instances of plagiarism in an article and ensure that none of the writing from other writers appears in the works you publish. Customers may build detectors that immediately return results thanks to this API.

Check This Great Plagiarism Tracker API For Your Company

How Does The User Register?

You have take these easy actions in order to use this information program:

  • Sign up on the Zyla Labs website.
  • Create an API Key so that each user has a unique one.
  • Insert the URL link into the dashboard section; the API will search the internet for congruent phrases. 
  • You will be notified whenever this happens, along with the URLs of the publications that have been accused of plagiarizing and a percentage indicating how much

And that´s all now!

Why Is This Software So Recommended?

This API is ideal for content creators who wish to ensure that their posts or articles won’t be charged with plagiarism. To ensure that every piece of content is unique, you should also check to see whether any of your content producers are using the same text samples from any online sources article are 100% original. Users also should check to see if any online publications have used any of your own works as source material.

Does It Have Different Memberships Plans?

One of the pricing options offered to users by Plagiarim Checker API is a gratuit plan for 100 use requests per month. There is a recurring monthly subscription plan available for the Zyla API Hub’s Plagiarism Checker API.  One of the premium package you choose starts your billing cycle, and it renews on the same day of the following month. Therefore, be careful to cancel your subscription in advance if you want to avoid incurring these fees.

Published inAppsTechnology
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