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Classification APIs: Best Security Measure Based on Site’s Risks

If you are looking for the best security to protect your organization, read this!

Classification APIs: Best Security Measure Based on Site’s Risks

One of the biggest mistakes business owners can make is failing to think about their website’s security until it’s too late. If your site goes down, you lose revenue, and if it gets hacked, you could put your entire business at risk.

Luckily, there are a ton of approaches to website security that can protect your site from any threat. However, not all security measures are created equal—what works for one site might be useless for another. That’s why it’s important to understand exactly what kind of security solutions are best for your site so you can implement them as soon as possible.

How Can Classification APIs Be a Crucial Method Against Protection?

Classification APIs are a crucial part of online protection. When a site needs to authenticate users, filter content, or detect spam and fraud, classification APIs are the most effective way of doing so.

In order to choose the best classification API for your needs, you first have to assess your risks. What exactly do you need the classification API for? How much data does it need to store? How many users will be using it?

What Is Classification?

Classification is the process of determining the type or category of an object based on several features or criteria. You’ve probably performed this task many times without even realizing it: recognizing a dog as an animal; identifying a car as a vehicle; categorizing a song as classical music; or classifying an image as “safe” or “not safe for work” (NSFW).

How Can an Organization Be Protected Against Dangerous Websites?

With an ever-growing number of websites being created on a daily basis, it’s becoming increasingly important for corporations to categorize those websites.

Possible benefits agains threats:

  • This is important for corporations because it allows them to keep track of who their stakeholders are, as well as what type of person/business is visiting their website.
  • It also lets them know what people are searching for and how they’re searching, which helps corporations tailor their site more effectively and become more visible in search engines.
  • Your company may want to block certain categories of websites in order to control what employees can access while they are at work.They also want to be able to control access to certain types of sites—for example, restricting access to shopping sites during business hours.
  • Content filtering, or web filtering, is an essential part of keeping your company’s network safe. You need to make sure that the company’s bandwidth isn’t being used for non-work related things, and that your employees aren’t being exposed to potentially harmful content.


Klazify is a search engine that categorizes webpages and businesses based on their specialties. Klazify’s objective is to find, compare, and categorize the best websites on the internet (up to 3 levels). Their search engine uses deep learning algorithms that are not only more accurate than other classifiers, but also more robust; this means we can deal with incorrect input data. Our API determines the confidence level, which shows Klazify’s level of faith in the classification. It can vary from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating high confidence and 0 indicating full uncertainty.

Classification APIs: Best Security Measure Based on Site’s Risks

How To Use An API?

Taking into account all this information, you should look for an API that can help you in categorizing websites. Choosing the wrong one can cost you time and money, so we strongly recommend you try Klazify, one of the most complete APIs available.


1. Sign in to to acquire the API key.

2. Find the company’s URL and paste it into the provided field, then confirm that you are not a robot and submit it.

3. You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.

4. Look for and save the desired result. You can then utilize it how you see fit.


Use an API with an Offline Database to Sort Website’s Industries –

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