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Classify Your Industry Into 300 Possible Topic Categories in a Click

Use domain classification APIs to classify industries into their accurate type. Read how to keep it easy and simple!

Classify Your Industry Into 300 Possible Topic Categories in a Click

Why Is It Important to Classify a Company Domain?

  • filtering out inappropriate or harmful sites on your network
  • sorting companies into relevant categories for targeting marketing messages
  • applying different security measures based on the site’s risks

Why Is It Important to Classify Your Company?

Have you ever wondered how you can classify your company with an API? Maybe you think it isn’t important (we’re here to tell you that it is!), or maybe you just have no idea how to do it. We’re here to help!

  • Classifying your company is important because it helps the IRS, the FBI, and the CIA place your business on a list of organizations based on their primary purpose. This way, they can more easily track things like taxes, crimes committed by groups, and terrorist organizations.
  • Classifying your company is an important part of doing business. The process involves using a set of standard codes to categorize your products and services, allowing you to be recognized by the government and other organizations.

This process will help you get the most accurate information about your business, so it’s important to make sure that your company is classified correctly.

Luckily, there are tools available online that can help you with this task. Classifying it through an API is one way of doing it.

This article will explain what an API is and how you can use it to classify your company.


Klazify is a search engine that categorizes websites and companies based on their area of expertise. The objective of Klazify is to find, compare, and categorize the greatest websites on the internet (up to 3 levels). In their search engine, deep learning techniques are utilized, which are not only more accurate than traditional classifiers, but also more robust, allowing you to deal with incorrect input data.

Klazify will navigate to the relevant domain name or URL, collect its content, and create appropriate categorizes based on an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may then be utilized for 1-1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and other applications.

Classify Your Industry Into 300 Possible Topic Categories in a Click

How to use it:

  1. Create an API key at
  2. Locate and copy any domain in the selected region that you want to categorise. Submit it once you’ve verified that you’re not a robot.
  3. You will get the API answer in one or more programming languages.
  4. Search for the confidence rate and use it however you want.


How Klazify’s API Can Help Categorize Websites –

Also published on Medium.

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