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Cybersecurity and Web Categorization APIs

Web categorization and cybersecurity are points to take into account when it comes to having your company. Read this article and learn how to do it right!

Cybersecurity and Web Categorization APIs

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an umbrella term that refers to the processes and technologies used to protect devices, users, and networks from digital attacks.

It is the protection of computers, networks, programs and data from unauthorized or unintended access or change. It is particularly important as we live in an era where technology is nearly everywhere, from smartphones to thermostats to bank accounts. Our lives are highly reliant on these technologies to perform simple tasks like paying bills or ordering groceries, so we need protection for ourselves and for our devices.

Cybersecurity is all about preventing hackers from gaining access to your personal or confidential information by exploiting vulnerabilities in your computer systems.

How Can Web Categorization APIs Help?

Web categorization APIs allow companies to implement content-based filtering in their own products and services. This can be used to help prevent threats such as malware downloads, phishing, and inappropriate content from harming users or company systems.

The main goal of a web categorization API is to help companies maintain a safe internet experience for their users. A web categorization API can assist a company in maintaining compliance with regulatory laws and internal policies by identifying malicious or inappropriate URLs before they can harm user machines or internal networks.

Web categorization APIs provide robust features that help improve cybersecurity for companies. They allow for real-time URL classification that prevents threats from reaching user machines or company networks by blocking access to malicious URLs when they are first requested. Web categorization APIs also provide historical data on URL requests so companies can review what has occurred in the past and take action if necessary.


Klazify is a search engine that categorizes websites and companies based on their area of expertise. The objective of Klazify is to find, compare, and categorize the greatest websites on the internet (up to 3 levels). In their search engine, deep learning techniques are utilized, which are not only more accurate than traditional classifiers, but also more robust, allowing you to deal with incorrect input data.

Cybersecurity and Web Categorization APIs

Why Is Klazify The Best Option For Categorizing a Website?

1. Powerful & scalable

Klazify can scale to millions of requests and keep being stable under heavy workloads.

2. Easy-to-integrate

Customer’s time is valuable which is why Klazify’s APIs are simple to use and easy to integrate.

3. Dedicated Support Manager

Their Customer Support Team is always there to answer any questions.

4. Simple documentation


How to Categorize Mobile Apps Simply and Easily with an API –

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