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Easy Tutorial On How to Use An API For Making URL Shorter

Are you looking for a short link creator API that is easy and practical to use? So, if that is the case, this article is for you because here we will share an easy tutorial on how to use an API for making URL shorter!

URL shortener APIs, also called short link creator APIs, are becoming more and more popular, not only among marketers or community managers, but also among people looking for a quick and easy way to post attractive links that increase click-through-rate.

This is because long URLs generate distrust in audiences, and on the other hand, they are very difficult to memorise or to type in Google search engines. In this sense, these software programmes have been developed to optimise space on social networks like Twitter where a twit only allows 280 characters, on the one hand, and to increase brand awareness on the other.

Easy Tutorial On How to Use An API For Making URL Shorter

It’s that these APIs do much more than just shorten links. They also provide metrics related to the traffic obtained by the short links generated by them, something very convenient for small companies or startups that cannot develop large tracking campaigns and statistics. 

On the other hand, the short link creator APIs also allow you to create tiny links with the name of the domain or company that the user wants. This provides professionalism, trust and reliability when generating content or addressing your audience.

However, it is common to think that these tools can only be used by experts. This is not the case, you don’t need any marketing or programming knowledge to be able to use one of them. This is precisely one of the main advantages offered by these APIs. In addition, they allow you to create multiple links in a matter of seconds, which will last forever and will not break, ensuring that your audience is redirected to the right site.

Although there are different APIs on the market to create short links, such as Bitly or Tiny-URL, here we will introduce you to what we consider to be the most comprehensive and easy to use: URL Shortener API, available on the Zyla API Hub.

Why is URL Shortener API The Easiest To Use?

Easy Tutorial On How to Use An API For Making URL Shorter

You won’t need to upload large URLs if you utilize this API to create small links. A few mouse clicks can quickly create a number of brief connections between numerous URLs. Because this API can make entirely trustworthy and long-lasting links, you won’t need to be concerned about uploading faulty links.

By logging in, you can use the API without any limitations for up to 5,000 queries per month. As a result, the URL Shortener API enables the use of numerous pricey services. We therefore urge everyone to utilize it. Overall, we think that the URL Shortener API is the most affordable and practical link API available right now.

Easy Tutorial On How To Use URL Shortener API

As aforementioned, the URL Shortener API is the easiest to use tool to shorten any large URL. Here, we’ll go over the actions you must take to use it properly:

  1. The URL Shortener API for Zyla API Hub can be found there.
  2. You must register before getting your API key.
  3. Enter the abbreviated URL here.
  4. You must confirm that you are a human.
  5. View the result to the right.
  6. The brief URL can be pasted anywhere!

We have already shared with you an easy tutorial for creating short URLs using an API, and presented to you the most simple and effective one available in 2022. Give it a try and see how it results for you!

Published inAppsTechnology
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