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Easy Tutorial On How To Use The Vessel Tracking API

Have you been looking for an API that can get you marine vessel information in no time? Have you found it? If it is not Vessel Traffic Information API, then you have some rethinking to do. Here we will give you a tutorial on how to use this maritime API and all the important things you must know before employing it.

Easy Tutorial On How To Use The Vessel Tracking API

Before getting into the tutorial, let us explain a little about this API. You already know what Vessel Traffic Information API does, you do not have to read this and can go directly to the “Step by Step: tutorial” section that is further on. We invite you to read it nonetheless, but this explanation is mainly for all of those who are hearing about this maritime API for the first time just now. This vessel API offers you both a tracking service and an information service. Both are extremely accurate and up-to-date, so do not worry about anything. Many important maritime companies employ the API so that they can keep an organized and complete database. They even corroborate their information with it! Besides, of course, they use it to follow their marine ships with no trouble. But that is not all. Some people get it just because they like vessels and want to enrich their knowledge of the. Many even employ this tracking API to follow their purchases! Do you see? There are many usages for this API. Some of the information it gives you back is a list of all the vessels that are located in that area, a marine ship’s destination and departure port, its max draught, how long it is, and so much more.

Step by Step: tutorial

Before we begin, let’s clarify something. That way you all belive us immediately. This is extremely easy, we are not joking. There is not much you need to do and it is not at all complicated. Besides, this API was created in a very intuitive way so that everybody feels comfortable using it.

Step one: finding Vessel Traffic Information API

Before doing anything you have to go to the API’s page, which can be easily done by clicking any of the Vessel Traffic Information API name tags or images. Although, you can also visit the page by searching it on the Zyla API Hub website.

Step two: subscribing to the API

Once you have finally entered the API, you will see some buttons to click. Right now just focus on the one that appears at the top to the right that says SUBSCRIBE. It is incredibly notorious so you will not miss it. All you have to do is click it and a very brief form will open. When the form opens you need to complete it and that is it! Now you are subscribed to the default plan. It is uncharged so if you try the API and then decide which paid plan is better for you.

Step three: using it!

Right after finishing step two, you will receive an access key. With it, you can enter the three endpoints that Vessel Traffic Information API has to offer. Firstly, there is the GET VESSEL DATA BY SHIP ID endpoint. Secondly, there is the GET VESSELS BY GEO LOCATION endpoint. And finally, there is the GET VESSEL DATA BY SHIP NAME endpoint.

Easy Tutorial On How To Use The Vessel Tracking API
Vessel Traffic Information API‘s page

Check the API’s page for the pricing list and remember that if you do not like any of the plans offered, you can personalize your own! Contact us if you have further questions or any trouble. Our email is [email protected] and we answer immediately through our chat rooms. We are always online between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. (GMT+1). 

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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