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Enhance Image Quality Instantly

Do you want your images to look better but you have no photo editing skills? We’ve got the perfect tool for you!

It’s not new to use visuals in marketing to engage and connect with a target audience. For thousands of years, people have used images to illustrate ideas in narrative, propaganda, and advertisement. A powerful image is equivalent to a thousand words. Images convey ideas and feelings together with a story in a way that words alone sometimes struggle to do.

An image has never been easier to capture with modern cameras being carried about in practically every pocket in the world. Instantaneous image uploading to the internet from any location has given rise to image-centric sites like Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, and Tumblr and made image creation available to everyone.

Along with this, smartphone users have access to a wide range of filters to enhance/edit their photographs. This makes it easier and faster than ever before to create ‘perfect’ images, which increases the user’s desire to share images. As a result, Instagram has reached 40 million members globally in just two years, and Pinterest is currently the social network with the fastest growth.

Enhance Image Quality Instantly

The benefits of using High Quality images

Because images are so important and they’re everywhere their quality is also really important.

Stories are told through images. Simply by using a strategically placed, properly crafted image, you can conjure up an emotion, a dream, or a vision. Visitors to your website will “read” the images and decide immediately whether or not the remaining information of your website is pertinent to them.

When it counts, you can direct customers to your product online, but if it doesn’t appear enticing and the image doesn’t convince them that they need your product or service, they will abandon the transaction or fail to engage with your brand.

Although well-written, high-quality prose can be persuasive, strategically placed graphics can strengthen that argument.

Simple as that: photos of poor quality make you appear unprofessional. A poor reputation will, at best, lower your standing among rivals. At worst, it will discourage buyers and hurt sales. Images of poor quality devalue your brand and convey to the buyer that your company is impersonal and unreliable.

By strategically utilizing photos, you can increase website traffic, promote brand connection and social sharing, and ultimately help your company reach its objectives.

If you want to improve the quality of your images with just a click we recommend Image Enhance API.

Why do we recommend Image Enhancer API?

Anyone can enhance the quality of their own photographs with the use of the Image Enhance API. This API can enhance how an image is perceived by using a number of super-resolution methods.

Enhance Image Quality Instantly

It’s not recommended to apply this enhancement multiple times on the same image. 

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away. 

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image. You might later download it and store it in your database. 

Receive an image with a 4x resolution increase and sharpness improved. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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