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Face Liveness Check API: Quick Overview Of This API

Do you want to try an API for face recognition that is accurate and secure? You should try this one! Keep reading to find out more about it!

A technology called face liveness detection can be used to assess whether a face is alive or not. By comparing the questioned face to a database of faces that are known to be alive, this is accomplished. The face is seen as alive if there is a match; else, it is regarded as dead. There are several useful uses for this technology, including in security systems and the medical field. Face liveness detection, for instance, can be used to spot persons who aren’t breathing or who aren’t alive (like those who are asleep). Security systems can then use this information to take the proper action, such as alerting a human guard or turning off an elevator.

Several Multiple face detector APIs are the technologies that enable this. These state-of-the-art computers are capable of recognizing faces and can determine with certainty if two people are the same or not. It can determine whether or not an image is alive. It’s ideal for developing security systems that can identify faces in photographs that are not real (such as those on fraudulent identification). By doing this, you can verify that the photographs you utilize in your app are real.

Face Liveness Check API: Quick Overview Of This API

This technology has many applications, including security and law enforcement. A face recognition system can be used to scan crowds for known criminals or terrorists. It can also be used to identify people at borders or airports by comparing their faces to those on a list of wanted individuals.

There are many different APIs available for face recognition, but not all of them are secure or accurate. If you’re looking for an API that’s both secure and accurate, we recommend using Face Liveness Checker API.

Face Liveness Check API

Face Liveness Check API: Quick Overview Of This API

Face liveness detection assists in the identification of fraud by ensuring that the image you have been given isn’t a picture of a picture, a passport-sized image, or an image of another person on a cell phone/laptop screen. Use it along with the Face Comparison Validator API to be assured that the selfie is authentic and belonged to the person you were expecting. 

You will send this API the image URL that you want to verify as being live. It will contain information on the face’s condition, whether the photo was captured in real time, and where it is in the image. 

How To Get Started With This Face Liveness Check API:

Create an account at Zyla API Hub first, and you’ll receive an API key that you may use to access any of the APIs that are offered there.

Second, include your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate your API key. You’ll be prepared to use the API after completing this.

The “START FREE TRIAL” button should be clicked first. After that, call the endpoint Detect Faces by entering the URL of the image you wish to analyze as an input. Pressing “test endpoint” will instantly give you the answer! The “Check Liveness” and “Get Results” endpoints are the two options available to you when using this API.

"action": "check_photo_liveness",
"completed_at": "2022-09-13T20:52:02+05:30",
"created_at": "2022-09-13T20:52:01+05:30",
"group_id": "123",
"request_id": "d3dc6e39-a4fc-4d6d-88c8-4c23b9ddd360",
"result": {
"are_eyes_open": true,
"confidence": 99,
"face_box": {
"height": 490,
"left": 345,
"top": 85,
"width": 352
"face_coverage": {
"message": "optimal",
"percentage": 29,
"status": "optimal"
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": {
"message": "optimal",
"status": "optimal"
"is_face_cropped": false,
"is_live": false,
"multiple_faces_detected": false,
"review_required": false
"status": "completed",
"task_id": "123",
"type": "face"

This answer, which included an analysis of the uploaded image and its request id, was provided to us by the “Get Results” endpoint.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnologyTools
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