How we show ourselves on the internet is very important, mostly if you have a business and want to grow. However, some people might not know that you can get a lot of information with just a work email using API.
Application Programming Interface (API) is a software middleman that allows two programs to communicate with one another. Because of this, there are some APIs that can give you information about a company or customer that is hidden at simple view.

For example, you’re here so you can know how to find a company revenue and it’s really simple, we’ll teach you how. First, you need to go to, get an API key, then enter a work email you want to check, and click “Get Started”.
Then, you’ll obtain the data you want in JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, which is an encoding method that eliminates the need for each application to write its own ad-hoc code in order to communicate with pre-defined servers. The JSON API module implements entity types, bundles, and fields, as well as data storage and data structures.
And it’s as simple as that! You just have to find the category “revenue” and you get what you are looking for. It’s just a few clicks and you can use the code obtained however you like. Of course, the website has limited characteristics, but we recommend trying it first and see how useful it is for your business.
GetZyla is a machine learning-powered API-enabled platform that gives you access to personal and business data about everyone.

How Does Zyla Work?
The Zyla Firm Classification API takes a URL and returns information about the firm associated with it. This API looks at a company’s website and assigns it to one of 385+ categories.
Users may organize and search for information in emails, corporations, and websites with this program. A full name, avatar, address, location, company size, role, logo, company category, and corporate social network connections, among other information, may be obtained with only one email.
With this application, you may learn more about your customers and tailor your advertising and goods to their preferences. It’s critical to understand what makes your product appealing to your target market.
Also published on Medium.