Are you looking for sugar rates API using PHP? Then we have the perfect solution for you.
Since sugar is the principal carbohydrate in the majority of sweet meals and it also can be found in a multitude of forms every day, it’s undoubtedly one of the most significant commodities in the world. Because of the growth in demand, its output increased by 14 percent between 2009 and 2018. As a result of all of this, we can plainly see that sugar is a terrific investment; you just have to do it well.
After investing in sugar, you’ll need to remain up to speed on all forms of rates in order to obtain good results. You may accomplish this by using an API, which is an interface that allows you to obtain specific information after submitting a request. To do this, the API collects that data from another website and then delivers it to you.

An API gives information in different programming languages, like JSON and Python. However, the one we’re interested in is PHP. Since an API can be found online thanks to a software, you need to have in mind that not every one of these can offer you the information in PHP. Because of this, you need to be careful with which one you chose, since you can lose a lot of money and time if you don’t make the right decision.
Why PHP?
PHP is a general-purpose programming language used mostly in web development. PHP code is frequently run on a web server by a PHP interpreter, which can be implemented as a module, a daemon, or a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The result of the PHP code being interpreted and executed would be the complete or a portion of an HTTP response on a web server. Other than web development, PHP may be used for a number of programming tasks such as standalone graphical programs and robotic drone control. PHP code may also be executed directly from the command line.
How To Get This Information
Like we said before, there are a lot of softwares that provide APIs, however not all of them count with PHP responses. We highly recommend using Commodities-API a free API that provides its users with a large list of commodities and currencies to chose from. This is the most comprehensive API since it supports over 170 currencies and delivers data with an accuracy of two decimal points, making it the most useful tool accessible.

To obtain the API you have to:
1. Go to and sign in to get your API key
2. Look for the symbols of Sugar (SUGAR) and the currency of choice
3. Once you have them, insert them both and make the API call
4. The software will give you different answers, look for the PHP one between them. This response will look something like this:
// set API Endpoint and API key $endpoint = 'latest'; $access_key = 'API_KEY'; // Initialize CURL: $ch = curl_init(''.$endpoint.'?access_key='.$access_key.''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Store the data: $json = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); // Decode JSON response: $exchangeRates = json_decode($json, true); // Access the exchange rate values, e.g. GBP: echo $exchangeRates['rates']['GBP'];
5. Insert the code into anywhere you want and start receiving different wheat rates at any time you need
Where Does This Information Come From?
This program gathers data from banks and the stock market and delivers it to you with a precision of two decimal points. Furthermore, Commodities-API secures your connection with bank-grade 256-bit SSL encryption.
Currency and commodity price conversions are provided through the same API endpoints and may be used to convert any amount from one currency to another, from one commodity to any commodity, or from any currency to any currency.
Also published on Medium.