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How To Avoid Spam Call With An API In 2023

There are three types of unwanted calls: robocalls, automated calls with pre-recorded messages; phone spam, commercials trying to sell you a product over the phone; and fraudsters, who usually impersonate other entities to obtain sensitive information about the victim, such as bank details. We usually think that spam calls only reach personal users, but the truth is that your company is not free from them. Therefore, keep reading How To Avoid Spam Call With An API In 2023, we will tell you about Check Spam Callers API, a tool that will allow you to ignore these calls without risking losing calls from your customers.

How To Avoid Spam Call With An API In 2023

At all hours, from morning to night, with unknown or hidden numbers, telephone spam is something that we have all suffered, picking up the phone to hear someone on the other end determined to offer us a product, mobile, ADSL line, or insurance of a home.

But many of those calls are not just annoying, they hide a danger. And it is becoming more and more common for cyber fraudsters to use phone calls to scam users and obtain valuable data and information.

What is phone spam?

They are calls that are not real, that is, they try to sell you a product that is not for sale; or so that you subscribe to exclusive services without your consent or with the intention of making you a prank or telephone extortion. Within this category, calls from the bank or telephone, which invite you to have a new credit card or buy a cell phone, respectively, do not count as spam, since they are real things.

Spam calls can be dangerous

Telephone scams have become very common nowadays for everyone, where calls and text messages are combined to deceive the user.

Get valuable data

These types of scammers usually start by asking for the owner of the line and informing him that the next bill will have changes and that he will pay more for the monthly rate. The objective that they seem to have is to lend a hand to the client and get a cheaper rate. Or at other times, the call revolves around a new promotion or a new offer.

However, what it tries to obtain is data and valuable information such as full name, ID or account number. This kind of sensitive information should never be shared with strangers over the phone, as we don’t know who the person behind the call is. In these situations, it is recommended that these types of numbers be blocked so that you never receive calls from them again and thus avoid falling for the scam.

Check Spam Callers API

This API will provide you with information to check if an incoming call is a spam. With coverage for more than 60 countries. The only thing you will need is the incoming call number and you will be provided with a message if the call is spam or not.  Check Spam Callers API is ideal for those developers that need to implement a spam check in their software. Prevent your users from receiving spam calls. Also, you will be able to filter your phone’s databases and determine if those numbers are spam or not. Besides, other than the number of API calls per month, there are no other limitations. 

How To Avoid Spam Call With An API In 2023

If you want to learn more about this Check Spam Callers API, read How To Start Using The Spam Checker API

Thank you for reading How To Avoid Spam Call With An API In 2023!

Also published on Medium.

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