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How To Check The Settings Of Google Analytics On A Website With An API

To check the settings of Google Analytics on a website is really simple with the right tool. All you need is an API that automatically provides the data for you!

Let’s Talk About Google Analytics

Today we live in a modern world that thrives on digital tools and methods. They allow users, individuals, and companies to reach all kinds of places. This is a result that happened thanks to the revolution of the Internet which knows nothing about limits and borders. Consequently, we are all part of an era where websites, social media, and interfaces are part of our daily lives. This is an aspect that has positively impacted companies; because it has opened the door to new audiences, ways to advertise, analyzed data, and more. A great example of this is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is an online data analysis platform that gathers user information and turns it into reports after installing a piece of code on the website’s pages. Therefore, it’s a great tool to understand a site’s audience and measure the success of its digital marketing strategy. This makes it one of the fundamental tools for any strategy. Google Analytics enables businesses to keep track of a variety of information about their website. This includes the number of visits, the number of time users spend on pages, the origin channels, and way more. 

How To Check The Settings Of Google Analytics On A Website With An API

Consequently, the use of Google Analytics can tell companies a lot about those businesses that use Google Analytics on their websites. For instance, by checking its settings they can know more about the marketing tactics they use. To get this type of information from websites like getting to know if, for example, they use other tools like Google Tag Manager; a tech API is key. 

What Is A Tech API?

Just like in the first paragraph we mentioned all about digital and technological tools that drive our world and its companies. Application programming interfaces are an essential part of this combo. Through them, companies may access data that enables them to generate great insights. Plus, perform better, automate activities in the workflow and more.

To get technological information from websites like checking the setting of Google Analytics, a tech API is the one. With these types of APIs, it is possible for companies to know about the attributes of websites and domains. Also, about metadata, categories, dimensions, and more. With this information companies may understand the type of technology used by their rivals, understand the trends in tech, and more. 

Get Tech From Website API

The Get Tech From Website API is an application programming interface that provides tech details from websites. With this API it is possible to access information about the settings of Google Analytics on a website. The Get Tech From Website API offers an optimal list that gathers the technological characteristics that were used in the building process of the sites.

As a result, by the use of this API companies will obtain tech information that will allow them to enhance their own knowledge. Plus, information from other websites! To use the Get Tech From Website API, all you have to do is sign up here, paste the domain from which you want to get technical data, and call the API.

How To Check The Settings Of Google Analytics On A Website With An API

This would be all for today, to keep reading about the Tech API, click here.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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