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How To Emotionally Connect With Consumers Using A Text Analytics API

Techonology and technological devices are increasing and developing in a faster way. The most amazing part is that Technological tools can help your business to increase their sells and even more, they can make people talk about your latest product. Now we will explain you how software and Artificial Intelligence are the keys for the growth of any company. Keep reading until the end!.

Companies rely on customer experiences insights to make informed decisions that can take their business to the next level. While surveys have always been a favorite tool of companies to gather valuable inputs, thus sentimet analysis is a much better and smarter approach to know your clients´minds.

Sentiment Analysis is the process of detecting positive or negative sentiment in a text. It´s often used by business to detect the feelings towards a comment o post in social media, also brand reputation and most important , to understand consumers. Sentiment Analys is focuses on the polarity of a text , this can be positive, neutral or negative , but it also goes beyond the polarity to detect specific feelings and emotions like happy , angry or sad.

How To Emotionally Connect With Consumers Using A Text Analytics API

Depending on how you want to interpret customer feedback and comments, you can define and tailor your categories to meet your sentiment analysis needs. In simple terms , opinion analysis uses the technique of natural language processing to determine whether the data received expresses those feelings. Since the customer data is extremely noisy, unstructured and pour-in form multiple channels, it is impossible to analyze by hand , to scan and process every comment or message and make and analysis about it. Here it is where the sentiment opinion analysis comes to the scenario.

In order to be the brand customers can not live without , you need to focus on creating an emotional connection on every interaction with your clients, here are 3 ways to create an emotional connection with your customers:

Focus on the micro-moments: Customer loyalty is a result of consistently delivering on the micro moments, at each touchpoint, whether a customer calls, emails, checks in or needs support. This is the opportunity where your team members empathetic, patient passionate about their job , are in contact with the consumer.

Address the relationship deficit: When communicating digitally, often it can lack a human touch, which creates a sterile transaction and lack of emotional connection. Today, being forced into a virtual world is adding to these unintended consequences , which we call a relationship deficit. That is why the businesses that create emotional connections will dominate.

How To Emotionally Connect With Consumers Using A Text Analytics API

Make your customers feel something: You have to create an emotional connection that is so engaging and compelling that the customer literally feels something after. The most important element in customers choosing who they buy from is how a brand makes them feel. Companies like Apple do not sell a product, they sell a brand that embodies a delicate mix of dreams and aspirations.

You may consider many aspects in order to your business growth in profits and leave a good sensation in the marketplace. That is why you have to look for the best marketplace where you can find the most accurate Sentiment Analysis API, and Zyla is the correct place. Released a few time ago, Zyla´s Opinion Analysis API has high accuracy for product teams and developers looking to perform Sentiment Analysis but not only on text, in audio or video streams and it is more affordable than many other Sentiment Analysis API. In addition to Opinion Analysis , Zyla has APIs that include Entity Detection, Speaker Diaritazion, Content Moderation and the most important one, Text Summarization.

Many brands today understand that positive emotional connections are often more important to customers than satisfaction. Emotional connections help brands build relationships with customers , which turn into a new sale , postive cooments on the social media and even better customer loyalty and even allow forgiveness when brands make mistakes. And Artificial Intelligence used in the Sentiment Analysis API from Zyla, is defintely be part of your business growth.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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