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How To Gain Customer Trust With APIs For Sentiment Analysis

Did you know that growh-focused organizations collect more customer experience data rtahn non-growth companies? Yes!. These companies rely on customer experiences insights to make informed decisions that can take their business to the next level. While surveys have always been a favourite tool of companies to gather valuable inputs, sentiment analysis is a much better and smarter approach to dig deeper into your customer´s mind.

It is a technique that uses artificial intelligence to detect customer sentiments and decode them, enabling you to craft customer experiences.

How To Gain Customer Trust With APIs For Sentiment Analysis

Let´s start for the beginning; What is sentiment analysis and what are its benefits? In simple terms, sentiment analysis uses the technique of natural language processing to determine whether the data received expresses a positive, neutral or negative tone. It is also called opinin mining. Since the customer data is extremely noisy, unstructured and pours-in from multiple channels, it is impossible to manually scan and process every message and analyze it to deliver better services. That´s where opinion analysis comes into play.

Sentiment Analysis processes all kinds of customer communication-direct feedback, email responses, comments, reviews, post, etc. and distills the data to a mathematical that indicates subjectivity and tone. This AI-powered tecnique is more profound than the conventional metrics. It taps into customer emotions, giving you more specific and qualitative insights. Sentiment analysis helps you understand two crucial things: How do your customers feel about your brand and brand offerings in general and how do your customers feel about the experiences and journeys you offer. With such powerful data-driven insights into customer attitudes, you can: -Make customer-centric decisions.

How To Gain Customer Trust With APIs For Sentiment Analysis

Now you may wonder what are the benefits of using Sentiment Analysis API, here are the major advantages:

Upselling Opportunities: Sentiment analysis allows you to segregate your entire customer base into different segments, such as the happiest customers, customers with the highest buying potential, frustrated customers and customers that are ready to leave your brand.

Deliver Exceptional Support: you can use sentiment analysis to train your chatbots to detect the right time to escalate the chat to an agent or route it to your experienced professionals. This is a great way to improve customer support and deliver delightful experiences.

Identify Emotional Triggers: a majority of customer actions stem from their emotions and the experiences they receive. Positive customer service can arouse postive emotions, leading to positive actions. On the contrary, poor service can spark negative emotions and actions. This can have various permutations and combinations. Sentiment analysis decodes customer´s emotions and actions. Using this analysis, you can make educated decisions to improve the quality of your customer service.

How To Gain Customer Trust With APIs For Sentiment Analysis

Now that we know what sentiment analysis can help accomplish, let´s see how this company, ZYLA, uses sentiment analysis for specific business. It is ona of the major APIs marketplace which provides APIs for developers and partners to consume. Go beyond sentiment with its Opinion Analysis API to determine if a social post is a promoter, detractor or indifferent suggestion. Discover what consumers think and feel about your brand and what you can do to improve your business.

Overall, sentiment analysis is a versatile tool that can help you better understand customers, keep platforms, provide customers with a better shopping and product selection experience, and learn from competitors brands. More importantly, when you combine sentiment analysis with other AI-driven technologies such as text summarization you can get deeper, more powerful insights.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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