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How To Get Site Data With An API In One Click

Big Data for SMEs? Are solutions to manage massive amounts of data really necessary for small and medium businesses? It’s likely that many small business owners and project managers are unaware of the significant role that data transmission and use play in modern society. Therefore, keep reading How To Get Site Data With An API In One Click, we will tell you about Site Traffic API, an ideal tool for SMEs.

How To Get Site Data With An API In One Click

Big Data: a complex definition

When we hear or read the expression Big Data, it is natural that we think about the capture, storage and processing of amounts of data already expressed in Terabytes. Although very soon they will also be in higher measurement units such as Petabytes and Zetabytes. It is clear that traditional computer systems are unable to handle such a large amount of information fast.

Due to this boom and expansion of Internet-based data utilization, efficient technologies were needed. Hence, various technology developers are focused on creating a set of solutions and appropriate infrastructures to assimilate and manage so much data. They all makeup what is referred to as big data.

If we do not recognize the significance of deriving value from this information in real time, this concept will be insufficient. The value found in indicators whose study helps and optimizes the functioning of both businesses and government agencies.

Big Data para PYMEs, cómo pueden aprovechar el potencial de los datos

Big Data solutions may undoubtedly give any business—but notably SMEs—a decisive boost toward growth and high profitability.

It is possible to customize items and offers by processing data from email marketing, content marketing, e-commerce transactions, geolocation, and other sources. Consumption habits are shifting as a result of precisely “customized” products and services, and target audiences are benefiting.

Big Data solutions contribute to a better understanding of consumer behavior, demographics, and status in this regard. In order to increase conversions and make more money, you can therefore refine or refocus your marketing strategies in addition to making customization easier. The aforementioned technology is also a helpful tool for spotting chances and developing new company ventures.

Site Traffic API

So, with Site Traffic API you will be able to consult from where the site receives its traffic. It means you can check where the visitors are (per country); how many monthly visits they receive, and traffic sources (direct, social media, emails, etc).  This API will allow you to order your database by the conditions you decide. Do you want to know which URLs receive the most traffic? Or do you want to know the pages that have the highest bounce rate? What are the URLs that make your users stay longer?

Thus, you can use this API to measure the performance of your own page. You can see the behavior of users and make decisions based on the metrics received. Retrieve Search Engines Rankings and Pages’ net worth as well. 

How To Get Site Data With An API In One Click

What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Only pass the URL or domain you want to consult. And you will get traffic per country, monthly visits; engagement metrics such as average visit duration, bounce rate, pages per visit, and traffic sources. They are receiving their users from web searches? Do they receive the most traffic through paid advertising? This API will let you know that. 

Want to learn more about Site Traffic API?

For additional information on how to take advantage of the Site Traffic API, go to the FAQ on Site Traffic or check to Use This Site Traffic API To Measure The Performance Of Your Site

Thank You For Reading How To Get Site Data With An API In One Click

Published inAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceSaaSStartupsTechnology
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