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How To Know If A Website Is Safe Or Not Using A CURL API

Are you wondering how to know if a website is safe or not? If that is you case, you should use a CURL API for it. Here, we will walk you through the process and introduce you the best content safety API currently available in 2022.

Content safety APIs are widely used today to check the level of trust that a URL or domain means to its visitor. Generally, the answers range from 0, which means not at all safe, to 100, which means totally safe. 

In this way, it is possible to know to what extent exactly a URL represents some kind of danger for visitors. It should be noted that Google penalises sites with a low confidence score, so you should constantly check this percentage on your own site to find out whether it is in good condition or not, and if so, make the necessary adjustments. 

How To Know If A Website Is Safe Or Not Using A CURL API

These APIs are also called domain reputation APIs and can provide you with lists of categories that your URL or domain is associated with. For example, let’s say you have a company that sells marketing services but the category list associates you with the sale of programming courses. In that case, you would need to make changes to both the content and structure of your site. One of these APIs will allow you to do this.

On the other hand, domain reputation APIs tell you quickly if an API is safe or not. “Safe” or “not safe” are the possible answers. This way, you can quickly find out how search engines are reading your site, or others that you want to analyse. This is very advantageous, as it can allow you to make lists of sites to block from your URL in a matter of seconds. 

On the other hand, these APIs are available in CURL. Let’s remember that developers utilize the command line tool cURL, which stands for client URL, to send and receive data to and from servers. At its most basic level, cURL allows you to communicate with a server by indicating the destination (in the form of a URL) and the information you wish to transmit. Almost every platform can run cURL, which is multi-protocol and supports HTTP and HTTPS.

So, if you want to know if a site is secure or not using a CURL API, read on because in the following section we will introduce you to the best reputation domain API for programmers.

What Is The Most Recommended Content Safety API?

How To Know If A Website Is Safe Or Not Using A CURL API

The most recommended content safety CURL API is Domain Reputation And Children Safety API and it is ready for purchasing in the Zyla API Hub.

Domain Reputation ANd Children Safety API will verify a domain’s WHOIS data, name server configurations, IP address infrastructure, SSL connections made by the target domain, SSL certificates, DNX MX record configurations, associated mail server setups, and the outcomes of a reverse IP lookup, in order to deliver reliable responses.

By using a search engine, you can quickly determine whether a website is safe for children and secure. However, by using this API, you might be able to prevent scams and inappropriate websites. As a result, this API is highly suggested for improving security at all levels, but particularly for educational institutions searching for a simple solution to increase student protection.

As a result, Domain Reputation And Children Safety API will be possible to retrieve the confidence level, which has a scale from 1 to 100, the kid safety level, which also has a scale from 1 to 100, and the safety status, which in a secure domain means “safe.” Additionally, you will be provided with a confidence score and a list of indicators to help you quickly determine whether URLs contain explicit or illegal information.

How To Use It

The following actions must be taken in order to use the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API:

  1. From the Zyla API Hub, select the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API.
  2. Make an API Key, then authenticate your identity.
  3. Type in the URL that is being looked at and evaluated.
  4. Determine which domains need to be blocked by analyzing the results.

We have already told you how to know if a website is safe or not using the best CURL API. Give it a try and prove it by yourself!

Published inAppsTechnology
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