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How To Know If Any URL Is Safe Or Not By Using Just An API

Are you wondering how to know if any URL is safe or not? Then, you should use a confidence score API! In this article, we will tell you everything about it and much more so we recommend you keep on reading!

Today, any company or B2B should be aware of the importance of cybersecurity, both for themselves and their potential customers. The dangers on the Internet are enormous and range from pishing, fraud, data theft, cyber attacks and much more. 

That is why more and more companies are deciding to start using confidence score APIs. These software programmes allow you to know for sure if a website or domain is safe or not. 

How To Know If Any URL Is Safe Or Not By Using Just An API

These programs use artificial intelligence to provide information about a page or URL and the security it represents for its visitors. Thus, these domain reputation APIs provide you with a quick answer, “safe” or “not safe” to know if entering that URL is safe or not. 

On the other hand, they also provide a confidence rate, that is, a percentage of safety from 100 to 0 where 100 means totally safe and 0 means not safe at all. This way, you know how many chances you have to face a threat when browsing the analysed site. 

On the other hand, these APIs also provide a list of categories to which that URL is associated, so that they take into account the content as well when providing a result. 

This is of vital importance for any company, to protect their internal network but also their website. Since any business should permanently analyse the level of security that its own website means for its visitors, in order to always obtain a good traffic. 

It is known that Google search engines reward those sites whose security level is high, so having a totally secure site will surely mean an increase in traffic. According to the result provided by a domain reputation API you will know if you have to take measures to strengthen the security of your company or not. This is very important to take care of your brand image as well. 

So that you can do all this, here we will introduce you to the best API to know if a website is secure or not. 

What Is The Best Domain Reputation API Available?

How To Know If Any URL Is Safe Or Not By Using Just An API

The best API to know if a website is safe or not is called Domain Reputation And Children Safety API, and it is available in the Zyla API Hub. Here we will mention its main features. 

This is, in our opinion, the most reliable tool for 2022. Because of its platform, which offers responses in only a few seconds, it is also the quickest and simplest to use. Using this API, you may categorize any URL based on its security status, domain reputation, and confidence score.

By using a search engine, you can quickly determine whether a website is safe for children and secure. However, by using this API, you might be able to prevent scams and inappropriate websites. Therefore, if you want to improve security in general, but especially if you’re an educational institution seeking for a quick remedy, adopting this API is strongly advised.

As a result, it is possible to extract the confidence level (which goes from 1 to 100), kid safety level (also from 1 to 100), and safety status (which in a secure domain denotes “safe”). You will also be given a confidence score and a list of categories to help you quickly determine whether URLs contain explicit or illegal content. As a result, we wholeheartedly advise anyone looking for a tool to quickly categorise any URL to use this.

How To Use Domain Reputation And Children Safety API?

The following actions must be taken in order to use the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API:

  1. From the Zyla API Hub, select the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API.
  2. After creating an API Key, verify your identity.
  3. Type in the URL that is being looked at and evaluated.
  4. Determine which domains need to be blocked by analyzing the results.

We have already shown you how to know if any URL is safe or not using an API, and introduced you to the best domain reputation and confidence score API available in 2022. Give it a try and prove it by yourself!

Published inAppsTechnology
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