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How To Obtain Metals Pricing Per Tonnes With An API In 2022

Do you need metal prices per tonne for your industry? Well, you are in the right place. In the following informative article, we will tell you about an amazing tool that will surely help you. It is the best precious metals API.

Metals are chemical elements capable of conducting electricity and heat, exhibiting a characteristic luster, and which, except for mercury, are solid at normal temperature. Depending on the metal, but in general, they are characterized by being tough (they can receive sudden forces without breaking), ductile (it is possible to mold them into threads or wires), malleable (they become sheets when compressed) and have good mechanical resistance. (They resist tensile, bending, torsion, and compression efforts without deforming). Some metals can be found in mining deposits such as gold, platinum, or copper, and other metals that are formed by alloys, such as steel (iron and carbon alloy) or bronze (copper and tin).

Some metals are considered “precious”, due to their beauty, their brightness, their rarity, and above all, because of their high sale price. Some of these cases are gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium, among others. These metals are often used a lot for investments, in jewelry, among other things. Instead, other “non-precious” metals, less aesthetically pleasing but cheaper, are used for industrial purposes to help humanity. Some of these metals are lithium, copper, iron, aluminum, tin, and bronze, among others metals.

How To Obtain Metals Pricing Per Tonnes With An API In 2022

To obtain metals per tonne for your industry, company, or business, many commodity exchanges are responsible for offering the current market prices of different metals. To make this task easier and to have all the metal prices together on one platform, we highly recommend using the Metals-API service. It is the best metals API.

Why should you use Metals-API?

Metals-API is the best service to get metal rates per tonne. In addition, it is the most reliable of all, since it obtains all the information thanks to excellent sources of information. One of its sources is the prestigious London Metal Exchange. Some of its clients are Jewelers Mutual Group, Injective Protocol, and Metex, among other companies.

You should also know that metal prices are obtained in real time, with a precision of 2 decimal places and a frequency of up to every 60 seconds (depending on the plan you choose clearly). Capabilities include delivery of precious metal exchange rates, time series data feedback, fluctuation data, and the lowest and highest price of any day. It even includes an excellent currency convertibility system. No matter which country you are from, it is almost 100% certain that your country’s currency will be included.

How To Obtain Metals Pricing Per Tonnes With An API In 2022

If you are wondering what is the price of this system, then you should know that there is a free version and 6 other paid versions. With any option you will be able to see the prices without problems, but with some limitations. Prices range from $10 to $1200 per year (not monthly).

If you have any questions, remember that on the website you will find a manual about how this system works. But if there is something you don’t understand, there is a virtual chat, always online from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+1).

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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