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How To Unlock Brazilian Company Identification With An API

By integrating a Brazilian Company Identification API into your systems or applications, you can quickly verify the validity of CNPJ numbers and retrieve essential company details. This includes information such as business name, address, legal nature, CNAE code, social capital, and more. With just a few API calls, you gain real-time access to accurate and reliable data, eliminating the need for manual searches and reducing the risk of errors.

How To Unlock Brazilian Company Identification With An API

Take Advantage Of A Brazilian Company Identification API

One of the key advantages of using a Brazilian company identification API is its ability to improve the efficiency of your operations. By automating the process of retrieving company information, you can save valuable time and resources. Whether you need to validate a potential business partner, verify customer details, or perform due diligence for compliance purposes, the API simplifies and accelerates the process, enabling you to make faster and more informed decisions.

In addition to efficiency, utilizing a Brazilian company identification API enhances the accuracy and reliability of your data. By accessing real-time information directly from the official registry, you can ensure that your records are up to date and reflect the most current company information. This is particularly important when assessing creditworthiness, managing customer relationships, or conducting market research.

Furthermore, integrating a Brazilian company identification API can help mitigate risks and protect your business. By validating CNPJ numbers and verifying the legal status of companies, you can reduce the chances of engaging with fraudulent or non-compliant entities. This strengthens your due diligence efforts and safeguards your reputation.

The benefits of unlocking Brazilian company identification with an API extend to various industries. Whether you’re in finance, e-commerce, supply chain management, or any other sector, having access to reliable and timely company information is crucial for making strategic business decisions. The API empowers businesses to gain valuable market insights, identify potential business opportunities, and mitigate risks effectively.

Check CNPJ Lookup API

Unlock the full potential of your CRM system with the CNPJ Lookup API. Seamlessly integrate this powerful tool to enhance your business processes and gain a competitive edge. By leveraging CNPJ numbers, you can effortlessly access comprehensive company information, including business names, legal nature, addresses, and partners.

How To Unlock Brazilian Company Identification With An API

This data empowers you to optimize your CRM strategies, personalize customer interactions, and make informed business decisions. Moreover, the CNPJ Lookup API ensures compliance with regulations by verifying the validity and accuracy of CNPJ numbers, giving you peace of mind. Stay ahead of the competition, maximize your CRM’s capabilities, and drive business growth with the CNPJ Lookup API. It’s the essential tool for boosting your CRM performance and achieving success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

How To Get Started With CNPJ Lookup API?

  1. First, go to CNPJ Lookup API and click the “START FREE TRIAL” button.
  2. After joining Zyla API Hub, you will be able to utilize the API!
  3. Make use of the API endpoint.
  4. Then, perform an API call by clicking the “test endpoint” button and seeing the results appear on the screen. Next, we will show you an example of this:

If you enter the company’s CNPJ (in this example, “33000167/0956-50”) into the “GET COMPANY DATA BY CNPJ” endpoint. Then, the API will return the following data:

  "status": true,
  "mensagem": "",
  "dados": {
    "cnpj": "33000167/0956-50",
    "razao_social": "CAIXA ECONOMICA FEDERAL",
    "nome_fantasia": "CEF MATRIZ",
    "data_criacao": "03/02/1971",
    "natureza_juridica": "2011 - EMPRESA PUBLICA",
    "cnae_principal": "6423900 - Caixas econômicas",
    "data_situacao": "03/11/2005",
    "situacao": "Ativa",
    "porte": "Demais",
    "capital_social": "R$,00",
    "endereco": {
      "logradouro": "SETOR BANCARIO SUL QUADRA 04",
      "numero": "34",
      "complemento": "BLOCO A",
      "bairro": "ASA SUL",
      "cep": "70092900",
      "uf": "DF",
      "municipio": "BRASILIA"
      "documento_socio": "***633087**",
      "data_entrada": "28/07/2020",
      "qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"
      "documento_socio": "69550301168",
      "nome_socio": "RAFAEL DE OLIVEIRA MORAIS",
      "data_entrada": "24/09/2020",
      "qualificacao": "ADMINISTRADOR"

If you want to learn more, read The Role Of A CNPJ Consulting API In Financial Services

Also published on Medium.

Published inAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceSaaSStartupsTechnology
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