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Keep Up To Date With The Prices Of The Lithium Metal Futures Market

Do you need to buy lithium? Are you tired of financial market instability? If you buy from the spot market, you are probably not doing well, so the futures market is a good alternative. To use it, we suggest you use this API. It is the best API for metal prices.

Lithium is a metal, an element of the periodic table (Li) located among the alkaline ones that have allowed the development of an energy storage technology: the lithium-ion battery (Li-Ion). Thanks to its flexibility and lightweight, the lithium-ion battery allows you to charge the most used electronic devices on the planet, such as cell phones and tablets. Indeed, the lithium-ion battery design lays “the foundation for a wireless society,” the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences declared when it announced the three winners of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

The exploitation of lithium to manufacture lithium-ion batteries represents a revolution for the electricity industry and enormous potential for social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. And it is that these batteries not only power electronic devices but also allow the storage of significant amounts of energy from renewable sources, such as solar and wind. They are also used to power homes and commercial, industrial, and educational facilities around the world; in addition to promoting electric cars around the world. In other words, the lithium battery is an element that would contribute to achieving a “fossil no-fuel society,” according to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Keep Up To Date With The Prices Of The Lithium Metal Futures Market

However, the price of lithium is growing disproportionately, so spot market buyers are losing money. However, the futures market is a good option to buy this metal at a better price. For this, we recommend using the Metals-API service.

Metals-API, the Best Option for future metal prices!

Metals-API is the best API (Application Programming Interface) if you’re looking for one. This is because they can easily, swiftly, and safely deliver metal rates. All types of precious and non-precious metals, including lithium, gold, platinum, palladium, copper, and silver, are included in its system. All of this with a 2 decimal place precision and a minutely update pace! That is, using its traits, you can decide when is the best time to buy this metal. For instance, Metals-API will enable you to access data over the previous 19 years. For example, while a ton of lithium cost 4,450 dollars (4,202 euros) in 2012, in 2022 it has gone to 78,032 dollars (73,696 euros). The difference is abysmal, therefore, the futures market is an excellent option.

Keep Up To Date With The Prices Of The Lithium Metal Futures Market

How is Metals-API used?

1. First, go to and click “obtain API key” in the upper right zone.
2. After that, choose a plan and sign up. One of Metals-API’s options is gratuitous, but the others have annual fees. You should thoroughly read through each of the seven plans before deciding which is ideal for you.
3. Next, choose the metal (lithium) and the legal tender of your nation.
4. Make the API call once you have finished the previous steps.

The programming languages JSON, C Language, Python, and PHP are available. Choose the one that is easiest for you to use. If you have any questions, please contact to customer service.

Also published on Medium.

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