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Know How Many Mobile Phones Are Used In A Country Using This Data API

Do you know that you can get a lot of data about countries by using a data API? Well, here we are to tell you all the details about it, and we’ll show you how to know how many mobile phones are used in a specific country. Keep reading for more!

With nearly 3.002 billion more mobile connections than people, the machines have officially taken over. To put this in context, mobile device connections have surpassed the number of people on the planet since the invention of cell phones in 1973, making it the fastest-growing human-made technology phenomenon ever.

According to GSMA real-time intelligence data, there are now over 10.98 billion mobile connections worldwide, exceeding the current world population of 7.978 billion estimated by UN digital analysts.

Know How Many Mobile Phones Are Used In A Country Using This Data API

According to this data, there are 3.002 billion more mobile connections than people on the planet. It is critical to note that not everyone in the world owns a mobile device. We’re talking about mobile connections from people who have multiple devices, including some who have dual SIM cards.

It’s really important to take into account this global data, but if you want to search for the number of mobile phones that are used in a specific country, you have to use a Country data API.

But… What are Country data APIs?

The straightforward Country data API provides accurate and real-time data on every country on the planet. The data API also includes important information about each country, such as its capital city, population, languages, currencies, regions, country code, and a variety of other elements.

 Furthermore, various programming languages, such as Python, PHP, Ruby, and Javascript, may be accessible via these countries’ APIs. They are essential for anyone who wants to quickly learn about different countries.

Country info API

To work with commercial real estate firms, retail businesses, and consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands to better understand visitor and consumer patterns, trends, and demographics. Find out how they perceive your goods, services, and businesses.

Country info API provides information for 194 countries (those that have been recognized), but it also contains details for over 200 territories. It provides a comprehensive collection of all 240 regions supported by this API. The dialing code, the enhanced ANSI CODE population domain, the currency in USD GDP, the AREA KM, the symbol, and so on are displayed to users.

Know How Many Mobile Phones Are Used In A Country Using This Data API

This Country info API can be used to populate your databases with information about any country in the world. GDP and internet usage statistics can also be used to generate graphs depicting economic growth and an improvement in living standards.

How to use it

-Make an account on Zyla Hub

-Go to the Country Info API page.

-Hover your mouse over the “API Documentation” link, which is located next to the “API Description” link.

-The following step is to select GET ALL COUNTRY DATA.

-Check the CAPTCHA box to demonstrate that you are not a robot.

-At the bottom, click Test Endpoint to view the results.

Do you still doubt? Go and try Country Info API to see the best results for yourself!

Published inAppsTechnology
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