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Maintain Any Copied Content Away From Your Website With This API

Do you write online content? Check if you have plagiarism in your writings with this plagiarism tracker API!

Initially the term, Plagiarism is initially and primarily an ethical infraction since it entails stealing work or fabricating facts. However, in many nations, it extends well beyond moral considerations.

Copying can also land you in court, where the implications for your job, reputation, and finances might be disastrous. So, whether you’re writing for school or for work – such as an article for a magazine, an article or a report for your firm – you need to know how to avoid plagiarizing, even if it’s unintentional.

Maintain Any Copied Content Away From Your Website With This API

Plagiarism, according to the dictionary of Merriam Webster, is “to steal or pass off as one’s own” and derives from the Latin term plagiarius, which meaning “kidnapper.” According to this view, plagiarism happens only when you claim ownership of someone else’s invention. Unfortunately, things are a little more complicated.

But don’t despair, there are various tried-and-true methods for protecting oneself and avoiding accidental plagiarism. Keep reading to find out how to avoid plagiarism in your writing:

  • Prepare your research.
  • Examine your sources
  • Use quotations
  • Paraphrase
  • Please cite your sources.
  • Make use of a plagiarism detector.

Therefore, to prevent a plagiarism stain from falling on the content of your web page, we recommend the use of the Plagiarism Checker API, which is one of the most recommended of the many platforms on the internet that are used to detect plagiarism.

An Overview On Plagiarism Checker API

Plagiarism Checker API wich it´s a informatic program that you can find in the marketplace of Zyla Labs. This API determines whether or not an article contains any plagiarized information. It aids in ensuring that none of the material in your articles has previously been published. Essentially, the client can check for plagiarism in an article and ensure that your articles do not include duplicate information. The user may use this API to construct a real-time plagiarism checker or a detector that displays findings quickly.

Maintain Any Copied Content Away From Your Website With This API

Easiest Website To Work With

To access this useful Plagiarism Checker API just follow these simple steps:

– Go to the Zyla Labs website and register.

– Create an API Key; each user need a unique one.

– Insert the URL link into the dashboard’s available box; the API will hunt up relevant phrases online.

– If this happens, you will receive an email containing the URLs of the allegedly copied works, as well as a percentage indicating how similar your work is to that of other writers.

And that’s it!

Usages In The Platform

Plagiarim Checker API provides its customers many payment rings, one of which is a gratuit plan with 100 use requests per month. The Plagiarism Checker API from Zyla API Hub operates on a monthly subscription basis. The subscription cycle begins the day you purchase one of the paid plans and ends the same day the following month. So, if the user want to avoid future costs, remember to cancel the membership ahead of time.

Published inAppsTechnology
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