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Most Common Use Cases Of APIs For Domain Confidence In 2022

Are you trying to expand your work tools to optimise your time? If that is your case, this article is for you because here we will tell you the most common uses cases of domain confidence APIs in 2022!

Domain confidence APIs show, as the name suggests, what level of security a domain represents for users. These sophisticated tools can tell exactly whether a domain is unsafe for those accessing it. 

A first and most common use case is to measure the trust level of a company’s domain. These applications will generally provide a yes/true answer as to whether your domain is secure or not. 

Most Common Use Cases Of APIs For Domain Confidence In 2022

Secondly, these APIs can also tell you which categories are associated with your domain, based on the content expressed in the domain. This is very useful because, if you have a company that sells software services, you don’t want it to be associated with adult or illegal content, for example. 

In this sense, this function is important with respect to other domains or websites where you want to place advertisements. If you sell your products in the United States, it is no use if your advertisements appear on pages whose traffic comes mainly from Australia, for example. 

In addition, it should be noted that the content is classified and identified by Google search engines, which read the physiognomy of your site. If your domain contains content that is unsuitable for children, it can be a hindrance when it comes to being promoted on search engines.

For all these reasons, such APIs are widely used by school administrators to secure school Internet networks used in educational institutions. They are also implemented in companies to protect their internal networks and data.

In that sense, we recommend that you implement one of these APIs in your company’s day-to-day work, to optimise your time and your work, and to protect your brand’s image. Here we will introduce you to the best Domain Confidence API available in 2022. 

What Is The Best Domain Confidence API available?

Most Common Use Cases Of APIs For Domain Confidence In 2022

We will focus on the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API because, in our opinion, it is the best and is now available on the Zyla API Hub, despite the fact that a number of goods come highly recommended.

A short search can reveal whether a website is safe for children and secure. However, this API might also assist you in avoiding dubious websites and con artists. Because of this, it is strongly suggested that you use this API to enhance security in any way.

The safety’s current state will be retrieved. “Safe” refers to a domain that is protected. In addition, it will provide a confidence rating (scaled from 1 to 100) and a kid safety rating (also scaled from 1 to 100). You will also be given a list of categories from which to choose.

How To Use This?

The Domain Reputation and Children Safety API is so user-friendly that you don’t need any specialized knowledge to utilize it. You will receive a complete response in only a few clicks. Now, in order to help you with that, we’ll outline what must be done in order to evaluate the security of any domain.

  1. Select the Domain Reputation and Children Safety API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. By registering and confirming that you are not a robot, you can create an API Key.
  3. In this field, enter the research domain.
  4. Browse the replies to get useful information about any domain.

We have already told you which are the most common uses cases of domain confidence APIs in 2022. Start trying it and see how it results!

Published inAppsTechnology
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