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Most Common Use Cases Of The Gender Detection API

Do you want to know more about the uses of a gender detection API and why it’s good for your business? You should keep reading this post!

You don’t have to be an expert in marketing to understand that your company’s success depends on using different strategies to sell to women and men.

Before beginning the process of developing your strategy, you must realize that marketing to men versus women is both possible and challenging.

You must consider the distinct differences and tastes of each gender and you’ll be able to create the correct message at the right time by being aware of these details.

Most Common Use Cases Of The Gender Detection API

Areas where a gender detection API could help you

#1 Advertising

Men demand direct and instructive messaging, suggestive humor, and competitive activities, so keep that in mind while developing your advertising strategy. In addition, women are more receptive to sights and emotional material that is related to actual activities.

#2 Navigation and Design

Let’s use your website as an illustration to demonstrate the differences between marketing to men and women.

The optimal funnel for a male audience looks like this: after the customer arrives, you may direct him to the target location by emphasizing key components and using straightforward navigation. The navigation should be simple to use, full of information and emotional cues, and intuitive to convert female visitors.

#3 Email Campaigns

Men like to search the internet for solutions to their problems, therefore emails don’t always succeed in getting their attention. However, women love a personal touch and give their inboxes a lot of thought. This indicates that a female audience will respond to newsletters better than a male audience.

#4 Social Media Tactics

It can be challenging to market to males versus women on social media. The female audience is more likely to check out the accounts of brands and businesses. They look for common experiences and outside influence to help them make decisions. Men dislike skimming through their news feeds and base their decisions on deduction and gut feeling.

#5 Customer service

Remember to include customer service procedures in your marketing strategy planning. Plan up many ways to give problem-solving instructions because males are more likely to ask for specific instructions if they are having trouble. When it is their turn, women will express any issues or requests for more information and will be pleased to receive a more detailed response.

Why do we recommend Gender Detection API?

This API will predict the gender of a given name. With high accuracy and support for over 160 countries, you will have the best gender prediction API available. 

Most Common Use Cases Of The Gender Detection API

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

This API will receive a plain text parameter. You will either pass a name or an email, and it will deliver the gender of that name and also, the accuracy of that prediction. Simple as that. 

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

Database Sorting

This API is ideal for those companies that want to sort their databases with female and male categorization. It will allow you to have a better approach to your customers or users. 

Marketing Purposes

Also, you will have the chance to show ads based on the user’s gender. Have a better campaign targeting by knowing the gender of your users or customers. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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