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Multiple Face Detector API: Quick Guide For Developers

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital technologies, the multiple face detector API is a dynamic tool that holds remarkable potential for developers and businesses alike. As we delve into the essence of this powerful technology, we’ll explore not only what it is but also the profound influence it wields in contemporary applications.

What Is The Multiple Face Detector API?

At its core, the multiple face detector API is designed to detect and recognize multiple faces within images or videos. Its primary purpose is to facilitate real-time face detection, contributing to a multitude of applications across various industries.

Multiple Face Detector API: Quick Guide For Developers

This advanced API offers more than just a cursory glance at faces; it goes a step further by providing insights into the facial attributes and features. It’s no longer limited to recognizing faces—it can delve into the finer details. This is where the API distinguishes itself from its peers, giving developers access to a broader spectrum of data, including face quality information and image property checks.

Key Features and Capabilities

The multiple face detector API boasts a range of features that make it an attractive choice for developers. One standout capability is its ability to perform real-time face detection. This means that applications can swiftly and accurately identify faces as they appear in video streams or images, enhancing user experiences by enabling responsive and adaptive systems.

Moreover, the API excels in multiple face detection. It can simultaneously detect and identify multiple faces within the same frame, making it ideal for group photos, video conferences, or surveillance applications where recognizing numerous individuals is essential.

But what truly sets this API apart is its compatibility with various platforms. Whether you are developing applications for web, mobile, or desktop, the API is versatile and can seamlessly integrate with your chosen platform. This adaptability ensures that the advantages of the API are not confined to a particular technological niche.

Face Liveness Check API

Multiple Face Detector API: Quick Guide For Developers

Verify that the selfie your users take is genuinely in-progress, that it was clicked as efficiently as possible to be saved in your database, that no other faces have been recognized, and that the face actually occupies the majority of the image.

This API will receive the image URL that you want to check its liveness. It will provide information like face quality, if the photo is live taken, and its position in the image. With the “Get Results” endpoint you will receive the analysis from the image that you uploaded by passing its request id:

"action": "check_photo_liveness",
"completed_at": "2022-09-13T20:52:02+05:30",
"created_at": "2022-09-13T20:52:01+05:30",
"group_id": "123",
"request_id": "d3dc6e39-a4fc-4d6d-88c8-4c23b9ddd360",
"result": {
"are_eyes_open": true,
"confidence": 99,
"face_box": {
"height": 490,
"left": 345,
"top": 85,
"width": 352
"face_coverage": {
"message": "optimal",
"percentage": 29,
"status": "optimal"
"face_detected": true,
"face_quality": {
"message": "optimal",
"status": "optimal"
"is_face_cropped": false,
"is_live": false,
"multiple_faces_detected": false,
"review_required": false
"status": "completed",
"task_id": "123",
"type": "face"

To access this API, you must first register on the website. To begin, select “START FREE TRIAL” from the menu. You should start making API calls right away. You will receive a file in one or more formats with the relevant data after your inputs have been processed.

Face liveness detection helps you uncover fraud by ensuring that the image you have been provided isn’t a picture of a picture, a passport-sized image, or an image of another individual on a cell phone/laptop screen. You can also detect if any image is not following your requirements. Check if the face is too far from the camera if its quality is good or poor, and avoid your users to upload images that won’t be useful for your platforms.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnologyTools
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