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Obtain Suggested Keywords And CPC Details From An Specific Topic With An API

We all know the importance of keywords, right? That’s why we are here: to show you this incredible API to obtain suggested keywords and CPC details from a specific topic. With this technology you’re definitely going to improve your SEO strategies! So stay here to know how!

Before we dive into the presentation of keyword research tools, we would like to remind you what keyword research is. It is a process that aims to identify relevant keywords to position your web pages in search engines, taking into account your business and the users you are targeting. The main goal is to find keywords that bring visits and, therefore, improve traffic to your website and generate conversions (registrations, purchases…).

Obtain Suggested Keywords And CPC Details From An Specific Topic With An API

Keywords are the search terms that a user enters in Google or any other search engine. By inserting a keyword in the search box, we get a page of results with numerous websites listed, which have been previously worked to position themselves based on this keyword.

Knowing this, you surely understand the importance of keywords and why they are essential to work well the SEO of your website or your blog. As you may have already guessed, doing a good keyword research is essential for many reasons:

  • Keywords are the main way for users to find our blog or website, since, nowadays, very few people type the URL directly in the browser. Therefore, they are the first step to ensure the visibility of our brand online.
  • A good selection makes it possible for our website to appear higher in the search engine results and, therefore, to attract much more organic traffic. Keep in mind that the first three results of Google are the ones that get most of the visits and that very few users go beyond the first page of results.
  • SEO also contributes to your brand image. More or less consciously, users tend to assume that web pages that appear in the first results are better or more important than those of the competition.

Keyword Suggestion and CPC Details API

The Keyword Suggestion and CPC Details API will return all data associated with any given keyword. You will be able to see the search volume and CPC, as well as receive suggested keywords.

This API will be given a keyword, which could be a single word or a phrase like “coffee shops near me.” The Keyword Suggestion and CPC Details API will check all related data from this keyword on Google and provide you with its search volume, CPC, and suggested keywords with their respective CPC and search volume.

Obtain Suggested Keywords And CPC Details From An Specific Topic With An API

Keyword Suggestion and CPC Details API is ideal for marketing agencies that want to monitor changes in CPC or search volume from various keywords.

This API is ideal for marketing agencies that want to monitor changes in CPC or search volume from various keywords. Furthermore, the suggested keywords may be useful for having other lower CPC alternatives. As a result, your Google Ads campaigns may perform better.

So if you have any doubts, you can go and try the Keyowrd Suggestion API to see the best results!

Published inAppsTechnology
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