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Organize Your Competitors And Clients Database Using An API

Do not you know how to organize your competition when monitoring your website? Do you want to learn how to do it? Read this article and start analyzing about it!

In the digital world, marketing efforts do not exist in a vacuum, and in addition to broader consumer and economic trends, businesses face fierce competition for share of voice and online sales.

The website environment is increasingly competitive. Benchmarking concepts become important for any organization to properly evaluate its performance with customers and its own competitors.

In websites that are growing, it is possible to see an increase in the traffic of visits that page has per day, which causes you to increase your sales, but lose market share. On shrinking websites, you may see sales decline while overall market share and visits increase.

Organize Your Competitors And Clients Database Using An API

One of the best ways to determine which path is really the right one is to make a list of competitors that we know are doing the same job and selling similar products to get an idea of ​​how we can navigate their environment and better serve our customers.

While there is no universal source of competitor and customer intelligence, there are various software options that can give you a hand when you need to get organized to learn about your customers and competitors. A recommendation for you could be Klazify.

What Makes Klazify Successful?

Klazify will travel to the required domain name or URL, gather its content, and classify it according to an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may be used for 1-1 personalisation, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and more. As a consequence, the URL or domain may now be assigned to a certain category.

An API For Logos

Klazify extracts a logo from any website on the fly, ensuring that even the most obscure and new sites have a logo. The program allows you to get higher-quality authentic logos from the website and makes their backgrounds invisible. This allows the logos to be used on any backdrop other than white. When you query Klazify’s Company Logo API with a domain for which they don’t have a logo, their computer goes out and obtains it. It is because of this that it is the most trustworthy.

Organize Your Competitors And Clients Database Using An API

What Is The Process Of Using This Website?

You must first complete the following steps in order to receive product information:

  • At, create an API key.
  • Any domain or email address in the field you want to category should be located and copied. Once you’ve confirmed that you’re not a robot, submit it.
  • After that, you’ll receive the API response in one or more programming languages.
  • Access to the information you’re looking for and put it to good use.

Handling Of Domains

The domain processing in Klazify starts in one of two ways:

  • Ingestion of New Domains: Klazify scans the site for new domains and re-indexes previously classified domains.
  • External feeds: Klazify is provided external data sources to process.
Published inTechnology
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