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Organize Your Phone Numbers Database With The Help Of This API

Are you looking for a way to optimise your time and money? If that is your case, you should read this article to the end because here we will tell you how to organize your phone numbers database with the help of an API and everything you need to know about it!

Today, startups, B2Bs and large and small companies have many tools at their disposal to optimise their time and money. This is the case of phone number validator APIs. 

As the name suggests, these phone number validator APIs have the ability to determine whether a phone number is valid and currently active or not. But they also provide information about phone numbers that can be useful for organising your databases. 

Organize Your Phone Numbers Database With The Help Of This API

For example, a phone number validator API can also provide the international dialing code, the region or city where the phone number is located as well as its timezone and dialing code. On the other hand, they can also tell you what type of line it is, what the provider is and what device it works from. 

All this data can help you to sort your databases and segment the information you get from your leads, to ensure you can run better campaigns and reach your audience more effectively. 

At the same time, sorting your databases with this information can allow you to save time, for example by removing from SMS campaign lists those numbers that are landline numbers, or those that are invalid. 

This is just one of many examples of how using a phone number validator API can help you optimise your time, save money and achieve more conversions. So, if you are looking for a phone number validator API, read on because in the following section we will introduce you to what we consider to be the best of them all.

What Is The Most Accurate Phone Number Validation API In 2023?

Organize Your Phone Numbers Database With The Help Of This API

The most accurate phone number validation API is Phone Number Validator API, and it is available on the Zyla API Hub. Thanks to this API, you may securely determine whether a phone number is legitimate. Additional information that is given includes the format of the local dialing format, the international country dialing code, and the type of phone number (whether it is a fixed line, mobile, unknown, premium rate, or shared cost).

For verifying the veracity of the figures in your database, this API is ideal. Before initiating an SMS campaign, use it to identify the reachable numbers. To better serve your customers, you might want to categorize your phone number database by carrier or nation.

The Phone Number Validator API offers 100 API calls without a cap and the option to upgrade to a more expensive plan with a cap of 500,000, so you should be aware of that. Because of this, it is ideal for businesses seeking for a phone validator and for a way to organise their phone number databases.

How To Use It

You may get results straight away in a matter of seconds by using the Phone Number Validation API, which is incredibly simple to use. Here, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step usage example:

  1. You can select the Phone Number Validator API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. Register to receive an API key.
  3. Enter the phone number to verify.
  4. It’s not required to enter the country using the 2-letter ISO format.
  5. View the results

We have already told you how to organize your phone number database with the help of this API, and also introduced you to the best one available in 2022! Give it a try and see how it results!

Published inAppsTechnology
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