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Phone Number Validator API: The Best Way To Verify Mobile Numbers

If you want to be sure that the information your company has about its clients is correct, you should try a phone number validator API. In this article, we will tell you more about it and recommend the best one!

It is not a secret that nowadays there are many ways to contact people. This is something that has been happening for a while and that has gained even more strength thanks to the development of new technologies. And although it is true that email and social networks are some of the most common options, phone numbers are still the most direct way to reach people.

However, in recent years, phone numbers have also become less reliable. That is, although they are still the most effective way to reach people, they also tend to change more frequently. This can lead to companies losing track of their customers and not being able to provide them with the best service.

This is where phone number validator APIs come into play. These software programs can help you determine whether a phone number is valid or not. This way, you can keep your database up-to-date and avoid wasting time calling or messaging invalid numbers.

Phone Number Validator API: The Best Way To Verify Mobile Numbers

Phone Number Validator API: The Best Way To Verify Mobile Numbers

The easiest way to determine whether a phone number is valid or not is by using a phone number validation API. This is an online service that checks if a phone number is valid before adding it to your database. If you’re looking for a way to check if your customers’ numbers are current and working, this is the best solution for you.

There are many APIs available on the market, but not all of them offer the same level of accuracy or ease of use. You should choose one of the best APIs available if you want to save time and money.

Common Uses Cases

We recommend using Phone Number Validator API, which has recently gained popularity due to its effectiveness. This tool can be found on the Zyla API Hub and can be used without charge. It provides information on the phone number’s location region (including whether it is local or international), as well as whether it is valid.

You can use Phone Number Validator API to verify multiple phone numbers in a short amount of time by entering multiple phone numbers in JSON format and executing the API call. The results will be provided in a matter of seconds.

Phone Number Validator API: The Best Way To Verify Mobile Numbers

Where Do I Begin?

1. Register at Zyla API Hub to receive an API key. Once you have one of these special strings of letters and numbers; you’ll be able to make calls to Zyla API Hub’s APIs.
2. Put your bearer token in the Authorization header to authenticate your API key.
3. To validate a phone number use the endpoint VERIFICATION and add the phone number as a parameter in your API call.
And that’s all! Just wait for the response from Phone Number Validator API. The rest will be handled by this reliable tool!



Using this endpoint, you can validate the phone number and obtain additional information.

API Responses:
"status": "success",
"phone": "1155724775",
"phone_valid": false,
"phone_type": "unknown",
"phone_region": "",
"country": "",
"country_code": "",
"country_prefix": "0",
"international_number": "+1 1155724775",
"local_number": "1155724775",
"e164": "+11155724775",
"carrier": ""

That’s all there is to it! The rest will be handled by the Phone Number Validator API! It will provide information on the phone number’s legality, including the country code, international dialing format, and how it is represented in local dialing format. Let’s get this party started!

Published inApps
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