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Resize Images To The Exact Orientation For Facebook Using This API

Do you wish to have the greatest images poste don your Facebook platform? We have a tool that will help you on this! With this API that we’ll show you’ll be able to resize images to the exact orientation and attract more audience!

You can increase interaction on social media by employing images. As more people are likely to like, comment on, and share your posts as a result, your revenue may rise. Facebook data from 2014 provides the statistic that demonstrates the significance of photography on social media: postings with visual content (images or videos) receive 65% more engagement.

However, more recent research shown that Facebook postings with photographs receive 2.3 times more attention than those without. People tend to recall more of the things they see than the things they read or hear. Consequently, readers are more likely to recall your postings if they include photos.

Resize Images To The Exact Orientation For Facebook Using This API

In conclusion, posting high-quality photos on social media increases interaction, which aids in the expansion of your social media presence and the generation of fresh leads. In order to post these kind of photos with a good quality, you may need to use an API. The asset generator APIs work precisely on this field because they will work on your picture to have it well resized according to the site where you want to put it.

The great benefit about these kind of APIs is that they do that work in just few seconds, so it saves you the labor of doing it manually, which can be hard work. With this technology you can programmatically generate your ideal pictures.

So in order to get the perfect image for your Facebook platform, the API we recommend is, of course, Asset Generator for Social Media API. Read the description below to understand why it’s the best option.

Asset Generator for Social Media API on Zyla hub

Utilize the Asset Generator for Social Media API on Zyla hub to produce captivating photos for social media sites such as Instagram or Twitter (among many others). You can have your ideal image and the most alluring website in only a few simple clicks.

The rest will be handled by the API, which will quickly produce the best-scaled image that can be downloaded and uploaded to your platform. Simply enter the image’s URL and orientation information, and the API will do the rest. Could it be any easier?

Due to the Asset Generator API straightforward operation and methodical approach, it is without a doubt a terrific option for refining your posts and will undoubtedly help you boost your audience.

Resize Images To The Exact Orientation For Facebook Using This API

Follow these steps to get your perfect image for Facebook:

1. Create an account on the Zyla API Hub.

2. Get an API key, then look up “Asset Generator API.

3. Click Get Facebook in the “API documentation” column.

3. Paste the image’s URL into this field.

4. Specify the resized image’s preferred size and orientation.

5. Verify you’re not a robot and select “Test Endpoint.”

6. Save the image that was resized to your PC.

Published inAppsTechnology
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