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Retrieve An URL Scanner Report Via UUID Using This API

Tired of phishy URLs? We understand you, it’s annoying and it harms your website and can bring serious problems to your business. But don’t worry, we are here to help on getting rid of this problem, and you can do that using an API to retrieve an URL scanner report via UUID. Keep reading to clear your doubts!

UUID is an abbreviation for Universally Unique IDentifier. It is a 128-bit value used in software development for unique identification. UUID is the same as GUID (Microsoft) and is part of the Open Software Foundation’s Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) (OSF).

They are designed, as previously stated, to have a high likelihood of uniqueness across space and time and to be computationally difficult to guess. It is generated using the current timestamp as well as the unique property of the workstation that generated the UUID.

Retrieve An URL Scanner Report Via UUID Using This API

Phishing is a type of social engineering in which fraudulent email or text messages are sent that appear to be from reputable or well-known sources. The intent of these messages, which are frequently random attacks, is to steal sensitive data, such as credit card or login information.

You may need to find an accurate way to retrieve scanner reports of URLs in order to protect your websites from malicious links or spam. That’s why you should use an API. This technology helps developers on protecting their users from being attacked. The APIs employ a lot of strategies, like searching for suspicious URLs, analyzing emails, and detecting phishing patterns.

But how to know if an API is accurate?

Many factors can influence the accuracy of the results. However, some tips for using a Phish Scanner API accurately include: using a reliable source of data when making API calls, filtering out any data that is irrelevant to your query, and testing the API with different data sets to see how it responds.

One of the most important things is to find an API that you know will be safe and reliable for your company. So we’ve chosen the best one for your business, that will keep you safe and unconcerned about attacks because it will do all the work for you!

Phish Scanner API

Cybersecurity professionals and hobbyists can use Phish Scanner API to improve domain monitoring and anti-phishing procedures, as well as develop new OSINT security solutions. Phish Scanner API assigns a Phish Score to any URL submission and returns a rich feature set that customers can use to create informative dashboards or intelligent applications based on the characteristics of each Phish.

Retrieve An URL Scanner Report Via UUID Using This API

Every developer who registers receives a personal API access key, which is a string of letters and digits that allows them to access the API endpoint. To use the Phish Scanner API REST API, include your bearer token in the Authorization header. The Phish Scanner API is intended to be straightforward and easy to use.

You’ll be able to ingrate Phish Scanner API with other apps, in order to have all of your websites safe from cyber attacks. So go and try Phish Scanner API and you won’t be a victim of spam anymore!   

Published inAppsTechnology
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