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Simplify And Speed Up Your Appraisals With Our API

Developers who are concerned about to devise tools for their clients in the field of insurance, can find herewith interesting recommendations for their starting point in developing software for the purpose.

Insurance adjusters know how time-consuming and complex it can be to appraise damage on a car. Vehicle damage detectors can simplify and speed up the process, and appraise accurately the expenses for the company they represent. It is also useful for a vehicle owner, as a thorough appraisal can make all the difference in the bottom line. And yet, doing it manually can be quite time-consuming and difficult. Find useful tips below to simplify and speed up appraisals with automatic tools.

Simplify And Speed Up Your Appraisals With Our API

There are many different types of vehicle damage detection APIs available on the market today, but they all have one thing in common: they make it easier for bothinsurance adjusters and car buyers to get information about vehicles. Vehicle Damage Detector API is highly recommendable because of its accuracy, efficiency, ease-of-use and reliability.

How Can An API Speed Up Your Appraisals?

This API can help automate appraisal processes, which means that they will be faster and more accurate to accomplish it. Besides, an API can help get information about the severity of the damage, its location and the aproximate cost of spare parts to replace and repair costs. It`s all about an algorithm that takes into account factors that determine overall costs for the developer and eventually for mechanics.

Vehicle Damage Detector API allows developers to access data programmatically when they need to develop new software. This means that they can use it in their own applications or websites to display estimated values for car parts and repair works across the United States. Eventually the resulting API will be perfect for car marts that need an accurate estimate of how much a car is worth before putting it on the market; or for car buyers who want to know how much their car is worth without having to hire an appraiser.

Since APIs enable communication between systems, they have many benefits for developers and businesses. By using Vehicle Damage Detector API, developers can create applications more quickly and easily because they don’t have to start from scratch every time. APIs also often provide data and functionality that would be difficult or impossible for a developer to create alone.

APIs also allow businesses to connect their various systems and processes, which can help them become more efficient and effective. By connecting different parts of the business, APIs can help streamline operations and save time and money.

How To Use This API

Simplify And Speed Up Your Appraisals With Our API

Counting on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Vehicle Damage Detector API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the picture of the product. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

It`s advisable to keep the input image under 5MB, between 2000×2000 and 640×480in resolution for a more accurate response. To avoid longer process times it´s recommended not to use higher resolution images. For best damage detection, it’s recommended to take a close picture of the area, approx. 80cm – 1.5m when taking the picture. 

If the input is “draw_result”: true,
“image”: “”
, the result will look like this:

{ "draw_result": true, "job_id": "52af644d-03c9-46c8-ab8c-c486fc432ade", "output": { "elements": [ { "bbox": [ 372, 145, 489, 245 ], "damage_category": "slight_scratch", "damage_color": [ 50, 50, 100 ], "damage_id": "1", "damage_location": "rear_bumper", "score": 0.613146 }, { "bbox": [ 322, 411, 444, 481 ], "damage_category": "slight_scratch", "damage_color": [ 50, 50, 100 ],
Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology
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