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Tag: co2 emissions calculator api

Integrate This API To Figure Out The Carbon Cost Of Your Company

Costs are one barrier to a company using environmentally friendly options. But adopting them can be even more advantageous. In fact, alternate energy sources such as electricity are more affordable than carbon-derived ones. By adopting eco-friendly alternatives your company can exist longer while still portraying itself as environmentally conscious. Switching…

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Try This API To Assess The Environmental Impact Of Purchased Goods

All purchased goods have some level of impact on the environment that needs to be minimized to ensure sustainable purchase practices. Many environmental impacts occur before a good or service is purchased, for example, resource extraction, design development, manufacturing, transportation, and storage. The greatest opportunity to influence environmental outcomes is…

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Let Your B Corp Meet Transparency And Accountability With This API

Are you interested in incorporating technological tools to aid and facilitate maintaining your B-corporation certification? Do you know CO2 emission calculator APIs? Then you’ve come to the right place; continue reading for more information. Businesses that have earned the designation of “B Corporations” adhere to the highest standards of performance.…

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