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Tag: cryptones

The cryptocurrency of Facebook will be an alternative to the existing banking system

A few days ago, Facebook announced what will be its own cryptocurrency, Libra. And with it also its digital wallet option, Calibra. For Libra to become a reality from next year, Facebook has partnered with 28 major companies, among which there is no traditional banking partner, forming the Libra Association,…

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Twitch quietly removes cryptocurrencies as subscription payment method, a live video platform owned by Amazon, eliminated its payment option with cryptocurrencies for subscriptions. A user of Reddit published the news and said that, although Twitch had allowed users to pay in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash through the payment processor Blockchain Bitpay, the option was eliminated in recently…

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Adoption of cryptocurrencies is becoming more visible in different societies

Every day the adoption of cryptocurrencies becomes more visible in different societies. The enthusiasts of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc., are constantly increasing, and the financial authorities of each country are aware of this. However, many of these institutions have reservations about digital currencies and have preferred. This is due to…

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