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Tag: Juan Roig

Amazon is quietly conquering its own website with a white label strategy similar to Mercadona’s

If something Amazon has taught us is that it is able to reinvent itself according to the times. Its white Solimo brand is proof of this, especially when imitating Nespresso coffee capsules. Curious, at least the similarities with the white Mercadona brand, Hacendado. The company that started with Jeff Bezos…

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Roig expands its Lanzadera as ‘lab’ for multinationals and seeks bank for ‘fintech’

Lanzadera, Juan Roig’s factory, will be in its sixth year of life in 2019. The accelerator of startups of the president of Mercadona has supported up to now 280 business projects to which it has helped to attract 30 million in external financing, according to its own data. Many have…

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