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Tag: Social

Ireland turns its ‘startups’ into the EU against Brexit (which does not arrive)

The old tobacco factory in Mullingar smoked Ireland and part of Europe for half a century. Owned by the Imperial Tobacco Group, a former British monopoly with Victorian airs, those ships were a hotbed of machines that made cigarettes and packaged them. Today the facilities are the headquarters of a…

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Amazon is quietly conquering its own website with a white label strategy similar to Mercadona’s

If something Amazon has taught us is that it is able to reinvent itself according to the times. Its white Solimo brand is proof of this, especially when imitating Nespresso coffee capsules. Curious, at least the similarities with the white Mercadona brand, Hacendado. The company that started with Jeff Bezos…

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Generation-D: an initiative for the German startups that will change the future

Generation-D is an ideas and startup competition in Social Entrepreneurship that promotes innovative and creative ventures (by students or young professionals) with environmental or social added value once a year. Each team must have at least two students or young professionals actively involved in shaping the idea and its implementation.…

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