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Tag: Video

Free Text-to-Speech and Text-to-MP3 for French (Français), Check this company

The company is Woord. Easily convert your French (Français) text into professional speech for free using female or male voices. Perfect for e-learning, presentations, YouTube videos and increasing the accessibility of your website. Woord’s French TTS is a unique startup based in the UK that aims to create a wide…

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Speech-to-text: This tool gives you a transcript of all the articles or books you liked

We’re living in a time where being confined to a space at home is deemed normal. With everything from office meetings to events and from personal tutoring to online classes becoming virtual, people working remotely or students studying at home find it tougher to pay attention and take notes during…

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Amazon is quietly conquering its own website with a white label strategy similar to Mercadona’s

If something Amazon has taught us is that it is able to reinvent itself according to the times. Its white Solimo brand is proof of this, especially when imitating Nespresso coffee capsules. Curious, at least the similarities with the white Mercadona brand, Hacendado. The company that started with Jeff Bezos…

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